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San Jose Green Vision
Description/achievement of initiative

As part of a larger "Green Vision", the city's Clean Tech Strategy has set a goal by 2022 of creating 25,000 clean tech jobs from its current total of about 4,000 jobs in the clean tech sector. This strategy intends to leverage the region's easy access to venture funding, highly skilled engineers and entrepreneurs, world-class research institutions, supportive government policies, and technology incubators like San Jose's Environmental Business Cluster

Source: Shanghai Manual: A Guide for Sustainable Urban Development in the 21st Century (2010)
The San Jose clean technology strategy uses traditional business retention and attraction approaches combined with sophisticated networking of technology and governmental partnerships that are:

Providing incentives and services at every stage of growth to encourage both established clean technology companies and start-up firms to stay and grow in San José;
Incubating next-generation technologies through partnerships with local universities and the US Department of Energy?s National Renewable Energy Laboratory-backed Environmental Business Cluster;
Providing city demonstration opportunities for innovative clean technology products;
Creating opportunities for local residents to receive training for employment in clean technology industries;
Advocating for legislative changes that will support the clean technology industry's growth.

As one of the largest environmental and clean technology incubators in the United States, the Environmental Business Cluster has assisted more than 150 companies since its founding in areas such as water purification, advanced transportation, wind and solar energy, waste heat recovery, sustainability, social networking, power management and testing, and alternative fuels. The Environmental Business Cluster supported 22 companies as of August 2010.

San Jose's Green Vision programme provides goals and milestones so the U.S. city of one million can leverage the Silicon Valley's leading base of technology and business model innovation in the creation of clean technology economic development. In addition to partnering with a nationally supported technology innovation center, the Environmental Business Cluster, San Jose tracks the number of local clean technology sector jobs and has set longer-term job creation goals for the city's clean technology sector. San Jose has attempted to utilize a number of operational tactics for supporting clean technology industries by making its buildings, land and operations open to pilot project collaboration, as well as matching smaller clean technology and energy efficiency companies with contract opportunities provided by the city's many large corporations.

Implementation methodologies

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Progress reports
Goal 8

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2007
Contact information
United Nations