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Reduction of greenhouse gas emission and promotion of recycle
Description/achievement of initiative

The Osaka Gas Group will carry out the Improvement of Environmental Management Efficiency and Reduction of CO2 emission in Gas and Electricity business based on the CSR Charter and the Environment.

Implementation methodologies

In order to achieve the goal set by the commitment, Activity by employees at all level will follow the policy as listed below,

Addressing the issues of the environment both at regional and global levels is of paramount importance for the Osaka Gas Group, which is engaged in wide-ranging energy services. The Group, being seriously aware of the impacts of its business activities on the environment, seeks to harmonize its businesses with the environment and to realize efficient utilization of energy resources, thereby contributing to achieving a sustainable society.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Osaka Gas Group
Progress reports
Improvement of Environmental Management Efficiency in gas business by 26% over FY2009 level by the year FY2014:Environmental Management Efficiency is the total individual environmental impacts in cash value per 1,000 m3 of gas sold. Environmental impact consists of Greenhouse gas (CO2, methane) emissions, Final disposal of excavated soil, Final disposal of general/industrial waste, NOx emission, COD, and Chemical substance emissions.
Reduction of CO2 emission per 1 m3 gas sold in gas manufacture process by 5% over FY2009 level by the year FY2014.
Reduction of CO2 emission intensity at transmission point in electricity business by 15% over FY2009 level by the year FY2021.

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2021
Osaka Gas Group
Contact information
United Nations