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A Framework for Assessing Green Growth Policies
OECD, 2010
by: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

This academic style paper from the OECD focuses on two key elements: the first identifies principles and criteria for selecting policies that contribute to economic growth whist reducing environmental impact, and the second examines what structural adjustments are required in the transition to the green economy.

The policies to promote green growth, as stated in the paper, are categorised as market]based or non]market instruments under the broad areas of cost effectiveness, adoption and compliance, uncertainty measures and R&D and technology diffusion incentives. The structural changes as indicated in the second section of the paper include: fostering the transition towards green technologies, easing the transition towards a greener economy, green policies to sustain the economy, sectoral reallocation, and managing green tax revenues in times of public finance deterioration.

United Nations