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Social Protection Statement from OWG4
HelpAge International, 2013
by: HelpAge International

Alongside 37 other national and international NGOs as part of the Global Coalition for a Social Protection Floor, HelpAge International suggests a goal to: End poverty and establish a social protection floor for everyone, including:

a) Food security: End hunger and malnutrition and protect the right of everyone to have access to sufficient, safe, affordable and nutritious food.
b) Health care: Ensure access to affordable health care, including essential drugs, on a sustainable basis.
c) Education: Ensure that every girl and boy, regardless of circumstances, completes secondary education and has access to technical and vocational training.
d) Social security: Guarantee income security up to at least the level of the national poverty line.
e) Housing: Ensure decent housing for all with security of tenure.
h) Water and sanitation: Ensure universal access to safe drinking water at home, and in schools, health centres, and refugee camps; end open defecation - ensure universal access to sanitation at school, in the workplace and in the home.

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