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Voluntary National Review 2020

Kenya’s long-term development blueprint Vision 2030 is implemented through five-year Medium Term Plans (MTPs). The current and third MTP 2018 -2022 that aim to achieve accelerated, high, inclusive, broad based, sustainable economic growth, social economic transformation and development mainstreamed the SDGs and Africa Union Agenda 2063. Further, mainstreaming of SDGs in performance contracting, actions plans and sub-national County Integrated Development Plans, 2018 -2022, position Kenya to better implement the SDGs and Agenda 2063.


  • A policy gaps analysis in 2018 assessed the country’s preparedness to implement the 2030 Agenda by elaborating how SDGs targets align with the national planning frameworks. It recommended enhancement of national policy framework, which informed the need to review the existing and development of new policies.
  • Government and partners use targeted awareness creation and sensitization strategies through focus group discussions, sensitization forums, workshops and discussion panels. Similarly, social media communication platforms are continuously used to disseminate SDGs to the public. The 2017 VNR identified low level of awareness on SDGs and a countrywide assessment was undertaken in 2019. This informs awareness campaign strategies, development and distribution of targeted IEC materials including translating SDGs into local languages.
  • The multi-stakeholder Inter Agency Technical Committee set up in 2016 and chaired by the government to coordinate SDGs activities is now co-chaired by government, Private sector and the CSO and a subcommittee established as the secretariat. Sub national governments have appointed and trained SDGs Champions to steer SDGs process.
  • Kenya follows “whole of government” and “whole of society” approach and has institutionalized stakeholder engagement in implementation, monitoring and awareness through their umbrella bodies. These are Parliamentary Caucus on SDGs and Business, Kenya Private Sector Alliance, Council of Governors for the sub national governments and National Youth Council. A multi-stakeholder engagement framework developed through consultation strengthens engagements, institutional and coordination mechanisms for the 2030 Agenda.
  • To continuously strengthen capacities to mainstream SDGs in policies, planning, budgeting, implementation and review, training of trainers and 150 officers at national and sub national level respectively has been undertaken. SDGs curriculum has been developed in collaboration with Kenya School of Government for use during training sessions in their institution.
  • To empower the vulnerable, policies and strategies focusing on education, health, employment, social protection, financial inclusion, gender, agricultural productivity, special funds for youth, women and persons with disabilities are in place. Regional disparities are addressed through targeted funds from national government to regions being left behind.
  • Kenya prioritized Special Needs Education by increasing financial allocation to learners in special and integrated schools.
  • High level political commitment to eliminate FGM by 2022. Kenya signed Regional Declaration and costed action plan on ending cross border FGM in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Somalia.
  • Kenya through Water Sector Trust Fund was awarded prestigious 2019 United Nations Public Service Awards for Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor programme under the “Delivering Inclusive and Equitable Services to Leave No one Behind” category being the only institution from Africa.
  • Services to plastic recycling plants including machinery and equipment used in construction are exempted from VAT to promote plastic waste management.
  • Mobile money has led to near complete financial inclusions across the country, increased credit availability to small traders further facilitating business across distant physical locations.
  • Government prioritized the “Big 4 Agenda” focusing on Food and Nutrition Security, Healthcare ,Manufacturing and Affordable Housing that accelerates SDGs 2,3, 8,and 11.
  • SDGs monitoring is institutionalized with a comprehensive progress report prepared biennially. On pilot basis, five sub national governments (Kwale, Kisumu, Busia, Marsabit and TaitaTaveta) have developed Local Voluntary Reports on SDGs. This will be scaled up.
  • In response to COVID-19 pandemic, the government established National Co-ordination Committee to evaluate the evolving risks, advice on appropriate measures for preparedness, prevention and response. COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund for response activities has been established. Some containment measures, includes cancelling public gatherings, 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew, closing learning institutions and non-essential social spaces; encouraging social distancing and teleworking. The government has earmarked Ksh 40 billion for surveillance, laboratory services, isolation units, equipment, PPEs, supplies, and communication; social protection and cash transfers; food relief; and expediting payments of existing obligations to maintain cash flow for businesses during the crisis. Other measures are in the main report.
  • The VNR report will be disseminated, action plan to address the gaps and challenges developed and SDGs acceleration strategy in line with the decade of action developed.
Voluntary National Review 2017
1.0 Background

Kenya has been a top advocate of Agenda 2030. Kenya was a member of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons who advised the United Nations Secretary General on the global development framework beyond 2015. The Permanent Representative of Kenya to the UN Ambassador Macharia Kamau co-chaired the UN General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)mandated to develop a set of sustainable development goals.

In 2015, Kenya was already in the 8th year of implementing its long term Economic blueprint, the Kenya Vision 2030, which is being implemented in 5-year rolling Medium Term Plans (MTP). By the time the SDGs were adopted, the second MTP (2013-2017) was in its third year of implementation. The process of the preparation of the third MTP (2018- 2022) and the second generation County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) is ongoing in which SDGs and Africa Agenda 2063 will be mainstreamed.

Kenya has prepared its first report reviewing the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. The review was highly consultative involving Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs); County Governments; Development Partners; Civil Society Organizations (CSOs); special groups including youth and persons with disabilities and the private sector. To ensure wider consultation, umbrella bodies held consultations with their members and prepared reports that were the inputs into the country report.

2.0 Key Milestones

Mapping the SDGs with Vision 2030: Each of the 17 SDGs was mapped with Vision 2030 Second Medium Term Plan (MTP) objectives to ensure the global development framework and its implementation is directly linked towards achieving both Vision 2030 and SDGs.

MDGs End Term Report: A study was carried out covering the period 2000-2015 to assess the progress made in achievements of the MDGs, document the experiences, challenges and lessons learnt during the implementation. The report presents recommendations that greatly provide the foundation for the implementation of the Agenda 2030.

SDGs Road Map: An SDGs Road Map has been prepared with seven broad areas that will guide the transition process in Kenya. The seven areas are: mapping of stakeholders and establishing partnerships, advocacy and sensitization, domestication/localization, mainstreaming and accelerating implementation, resource mobilization, tracking and reporting and capacity building. The launch of the SDGs in Kenya on 14th September 2016 created awareness among stakeholders and rallied them behind implementation.

Institutional framework: The Ministry of Devolution and Planning coordinates the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs in Kenya. The SDGs focal point within the Ministry offers technical backstopping for SDGs within government and also among stakeholders. An Inter-Agency Technical Committee drawing membership from the line Ministries, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, National Council for Population and Development, representatives from the civil society organizations, private sector among others has been set up. Mechanism of coordination between the two levels of government has been worked out with the establishment of SDGs Liaison office within the secretariat of the Council of Governors (COG).

Mainstreaming SDGs in policy and planning: The government directed all Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) to mainstream the SDGs into policy, planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation systems and processes. As a result, all SDGs targets and indicators have been mapped against the mandates of the MDAs and assigned the SDGs to the respective development actors. In addition, the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan guidelines have been reviewed to ensure that the SDGs are mainstreamed in MDAs' Strategic Plans. The SDGs have also been mainstreamed in the Performance Contracting and MDAs submit quarterly progress reports on a quarterly basis.

Capacity Building: The SDGs contact officers in the line ministries and officers in charge of planning and budgeting among others have been trained using a standardized training kit in training institutions. Emphasis is given to the Training of Trainers (TOTs). Data, Monitoring and Reporting: The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics has undertaken an indicator mapping and identified 128 indicators out of the 230 global indicators that can be measured with the available data or data that can be produced within 1-2 years with minimum effort.

Advocacy and awareness creation: IEC materials on SDGs have been produced and disseminated. Social media platforms which include Facebook, Twitter, email, WhatsApp are being used to disseminate SDGs messages to the public. Sensitization forums covering different stakeholders have been held. The coalition of civil society on SDGs in collaboration with the government has also been undertaking community outreach programmes on Agenda 2030.

SDGs implementation: Kenya has been implementing policies and strategies geared towards advancing implementation of the SDGs and this has resulted in commendable progress as outlined in the main report. The following is a highlight of some of the innovative initiatives to fast tract the SDGs in the health and water sectors:

  • The Beyond Zero Campaign: An Initiative by H.E. the First Lady, Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta to accelerate economic and social development in Kenya through the health facet. Mobile clinics have been delivered to all county referral hospitals. The mobile clinics have been able to treat mothers and children who would otherwise have been obliged to walk miles to seek treatment.
  • Mother waiting home (KIROR): An initiative of West Pokot County Government and is a home outside their home and a home outside the health facility. Expectant mothers move to KIROR near a health facility a few days to their expected day of delivery and are monitored during labour by the health personnel at the health facility thereby reducing congestion at the health facility while at the same time getting prompt services of a qualified personnel during delivery.
  • Commodity exchange programme: The county Government of Embu has introduced the commodity exchange programme. A county commodity security/Exchange team is created on WhatsApp social platform. Sub county pharmacists facilitate the collection of commodities from surplus sites and transfer them to needy sites.
  • Water ATMs: The Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company has installed water ATMs enabling city residents living in informal settlements to access quality water cheaply. The ATMs use AQtap technology and the residents pay for water using mobile technology. This has reduced the cost of water to the community as well as improved revenue collection by the company.
  • Social Protection Programmes: These are programmes to address poverty. They include the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NGCDF); the Hunger and Safety Net Programme (HSNP); Subsidized Basic Education; Empowerment funds targeting vulnerable groups; preference and reservation of 30% in public procurement to vulnerable groups; Establishment of Huduma centres to facilitate access to various Public Services and information using a One-Stop Shop concept; harnessing digital technologies for financial inclusion (mobile money transfer) and development of Public Participation guidelines.The Revenue Allocation and Equalization Funds targets Counties with high poverty indices.
  • Addressing climate change: The Government is in the process of integrating climate change into the curriculum for primary and secondary levels of education. The Climate Change Act 2016 highlights the climate change response measures and actions, the roles of each of the stakeholders in mitigating effects of climate change and how to engage the public.

3.0 Regional cooperation to address the SDGs

Kenya has participated in Somalia Peace Keeping Missions; signed treaties on cultural exchange programmes with 51 countries hosting Kenya Missions and is the chair of InterCountry Quality Nodes on peace education in Africa. Kenya is currently developing the Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor Project, the largest integrated transformative infrastructure project in Africa. Kenya has already placed a total BAN on plastic bags with effect from August 2017 as per the (EAC) Polythene Materials Control Bill, 2016 proposal.

4.0 Challenges

  • Inadequate disaggregated data
  • High stakeholder expectations
  • Inadequate funding for SDGs

5.0 Next steps

  • Intensified awareness creation and capacity building
  • Mainstreaming of SDGs into the third MTP (MTP III), second generation County
    Integrated Development Plans and public institutions strategic plans;
  • Review the National Statistical System (NSS) in light of the SDGs.
  • Enhancing multi- stakeholder participation in the SDGs process
  • Enhanced Resource mobilization
Focal point
Mr. Bernard O. K'Omudho
Director, National Environment Secretariat

Documents & Reports

National Reports
Report Topics covered Process
National Report - Kenya Rio+20;

Partnerships & Commitments
The below is a listing of all partnership initiatives and voluntary commitments where Kenya is listed as a partner or lead entity in the Partnerships for SDGs online platform
Billion Dollar Business Alliance for Rainwater Harvesting

WFP, ICRAF and partners envision building an integrated farm pond support system capable of expanding and sustaining the massive upscaling of farm pond technology. The business plan addresses the sustainability factors that comprise a success upscaling system: financial, institutional, environmental, technical, and social. The plan embodies a support system that centers around the farm household and what it needs to take advantage of the technology.Outcomes: responsive financing system; increased access to water for horticultural and livestock production; enhanced policy support for rainwater ...[more]

The International Agro-forestry Center (ICRAF/CGIAR) , the World Food Programme (Kenya), World Vision International, Kenya Rainwater Harvesting Association, Kenya Climate Innovation Center, Equity Bank and G-North, Kenya Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Water and Environmrnt
Sustainable Development Goals
Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)

The best opportunity to slow the rate of near-term warming globally and in sensitive regions such as the Arctic is by cutting emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) – most notably methane, black carbon and some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Widespread reductions, which complement the need for aggressive global action on carbon dioxide, contribute significantly to the goal of limiting warming to less than two degrees. Reducing SLCPs can also advance national priorities such as protecting air quality and public health, promoting food security, enhancing energy efficiency, and allevi...[more]

111 Partners, 50 State and REIO, 16 IGO and 45 NGO partners (as of April 2016). Full list:
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Cogeneration for Africa

"Cogeneration for Africa" is an innovative and first-of-its-kind clean energy regional initiative Source: "Cogeneration for Africa" is an innovative and first-of-its-kind clean energy regional initiative funded by GEF - set to run for 6 years from mid 2007. The initiative is co-implemented by UNEP and AfDB and executed by AFREPREN/FWD. Cogeneration for Africa will build on the success of cogeneration in Mauritius, which currently meets close to 40% of the country's electricity needs. It seeks to significantly scale up the use of efficient cogeneration systems initially in seven Eastern and S...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Feed-In Tariff on Electricity from Renewable Energy

Kenya introduced a feed-in tariff on electricity from wind, biomass and small hydropower in 2008, and extended the policy in 2010 to include geothermal, biogas and solar energy resource-generated electricity. Source: UNEP: Green Economy Success Stories

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Global LPG Partnership

Global LPG Partnership: Accelerate transition to LPG for cooking by engaging public and private sectors in holistic policy, investment and end-user engagement.

Governments of Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda; OPEC Fund for International Development (Under Discussion); World Bank; New Ventures Fund.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data is multi-stakeholder network of more than 150 data champions harnessing the data revolution for sustainable development. Its members represent the full range of data producers and users, including governments, companies, civil society groups, international organizations, academic institutions, foundations, statistics agencies and data communities. The Global Partnership serves as an invaluable convener, connector and catalyst, building trust and encouraging collaboration among stakeholders to fill critical data gaps and ensure data is acc...[more]

Abia State, Nigeria, Accur8Africa, Africa Gathering, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), African Development Bank (ADB), African Development Fund, African Union Commission, Agora, AidData, Asian Development Bank, Barclays, Base of the Pyramid (BoP) HUB, Bretton Woods II, Brookings Institution, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (Bogota Chamber of Commerce), Canada (Government of), CARE Inter...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Kenya Philanthropy Forum – Education Sub-Group

In March 2015 the Kenya Philanthropy Forum (KPF) was formed in order to institutionalize a voice for philanthropy in Kenya and to create a harmonized, centralized forum that will coordinate and support the needs of any organization with an interest in philanthropy. KPF also formed an education sub-group to increase effectiveness of philanthropy in the education sector and to positively engage multi-stakeholders in public policies to enhance a favorable environment for philanthropy in Kenya. In May 2016 KPF’s education sub-group held an inaugural meeting with the Ministry of Education, to set...[more]

SDGPP, Kenya Philanthropy Forum, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Nairobi Metro 2030 Strategy

The Vision of Nairobi is to be a world class African metropolis by 2030. It will strive to create a world class working environment with a wide range of jobs, transport options and communication infrastructure. It is a vision of a world class living environment with modern housing, healthcare, cultural amenities and recreational facilities. Nairobi intends to provide high-quality office, production and storage space supported by a full range of ancillary services and information infrastructure. Source: Shanghai Manual: A Guide for Sustainable Urban Development in the 21st Century (2010) Th...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Nansen Initiative

It aims to set in place back-stopping measures that address the needs of people and communities who are displaced from the impacts of natural hazards and the adverse effects of climate change within, and across borders.To reach this goal technical assistance and capacity building can provide the basis to increase the required awareness from the community to the political level and complement and strengthen national adaptation policy. In the event that displacement occurs, government will have institutionalised safe-guard measures that protect people who are displaced and the receiving communit...[more]

The Nansen Initiative: The Steering Group is composed of national governments who initiates, hosts, oversees and steers the Nansen Initiative process and is co-chaired by the Governments of Norway and Switzerland. Member states to the group include Australia, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Germany, Kenya, Mexico, and the Philippines in addition to the co-chair countries, Norway and Switzerland. ...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Open SDG Engagement Platform

The Open SDGs Engagement Platform will allow access to new and existing sources of data and information and help to identify and address requirements for dis-aggregated indicators. It will also help foster new ideas and strengthen a data-driven dialogue to support required institutional arrangements and capacity building interventions. This overall effort represents the partnership between private and public, Esri and new and existing actors to support data-driven decision-making by initiating more open, new, and usable data to help end extreme poverty, combat climate change, and ensure a heal...[more]

Esri, World Bank, US State Department, Deputy Presidents Office of Kenya, World Council On cities Data, Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Payment for Environmental Services pilot project in Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya

Lake Naivasha is located in the Kenyan portion of the Great Rift Valley and has been recognised as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Source: The goal was to develop a viable financial mechanism for payments for watershed services that delivers sustainable natural resource management and improved livelihoods and serves as a pilot and learning model for further expansion and replication.

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Assembly Project

The Kenyan photovoltaic industry provides a low-cost model for sustainable, private sector based off-grid rural electrification. Source: UNEP, 2008, Green Jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world The Kibera Community Youth Program (KCYP) initiated a simple solar photovoltaic (PV) assembly project in Kibera, Nairobi, one of the largest slums in sub-Saharan Africa. The project provides young people with employment opportunities in assembling small and affordable solar panels. The panels power radios and charge mobile phones in Kibera, but use of the solar panels made there ha...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Strengthening the Blue Economy platform for sustainable development of the blue spaces in Kenya

Kenya's national commitment towards blue economy has been demonstrated through the creation of the State Department for Fisheries and the Blue Economy (SDF-BE) within the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in Kenya via executive order No. 1/2016. In addition to fisheries functions, the executive order has expanded the State Departments mandate to include coordination of blue economy initiatives in order to harness the untapped potential of our ocean and coasts for food security, job creation and economic growth. In defining the blue economy, Kenya has identified the following ...[more]

World Bank IFAD Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), Western Indian Ocean Science Association (WIOSMA) Fish-i-Africa, Global MCS network under NEPAD Nairobi Convention
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Environment Governanance for Socio-economic Benefits

Objective is to ensure sustainable fisheries resources in Kenya through strengthening of the oceans governance and protection of environment methodology: Kenya’s commitment to SDG 14 The government of Kenya is committed to promote sustainable fisheries management, development and conservation and protection of the environment through strengthened governance and value addition. Methodology 1. Review and alignment of policy (National Oceans and Fisheries Policy), regulation to international and regional fisheries conservation, management and development agreements and protoc...[more]

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Government) Ministry of Transport ( State Department of Shipping and Maritime Services (Government) African Union Inter African Bureau For Animal Resources (Intergovernmental)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Water Efficient Maize for Africa

The African Agricultural Technology Foundation is leading a public-private partnership called WEMA to develop drought-tolerant African maize using conventional breeding, marker-assisted breeding, and biotechnology. Source: World Resources Institute (2011) A Compilation of Green Economy Policies, Programs, and Initiatives from Around the World. The Green Economy in Practice: Interactive Workshop 1, February 11th, 2011 The long-term goal is to make drought-tolerant maize available royalty-free to small-scale farmers in Africa through African seed companies to mitigate drought risk, stabilize cro...[more]

Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Western Indian Ocean Coastal Challenge (WIOCC)

The WIOCC is a country led partnership that promotes actions for climate resilient development that achieves effective conservation of biodiversity, enhanced livelihood and economies for greater social security among coastal communities. The WIOCC mobilises the political, financial and technical commitment at national and regional levels by inspiring leadership and facilitating collaboration towards a shared, long-term vision.

Comoros, France-Réunion, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Tanzania and Zanzibar; European Union; Indian Ocean Commission (IOC); UNEP Nairobi Convention Secretariat; Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity; Global Island Partnership (GLISPA); Western Indian Ocean Consortium (WIO-C) including the WCS, IUCN, WWF, WIOMSA, CORDIO, IOC-Indian Ocean Commission, NEPAD a...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals

Africa's large youth population presents a complex problem that requires strategic investments in education, health, energy, skills, economic reforms and good governance. At a time when sub-Saharan Africa is going through significant changes in economic, social and political, technological and environmental frontiers, some youth across Africa are being left out. YALI is set out to equip the next generation of skilled young African leaders. The objective in this partnership is to proactively engage, develop, and support the young leaders, exposing them to leadership tools, models and diversit...[more]

USAID, MasterCard Foundation, Kenyatta University, Deloitte East Africa, Kenya Commercial Bank Group, Microsoft, Dow, Citi Group, Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
19 Jul 2017
17 Jul 2017
7 Jun 2017
20 Jun 2012
13 May 2010
12 May 2010
7 May 2010
6 May 2010
5 May 2010
15 May 2008
11 May 2006
20 Apr 2005
12 Apr 2005
12 Apr 2005
30 Apr 2004
30 Apr 2004
28 Apr 2004
21 Apr 2004
2 Sep 2002
United Nations