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Youth, education and culture
How to contribute
  • Comment on Cluster Position Papers
  • Upload relevant material under "Contributions from MGs"
Participants highlighted that education is at the core of sustainable development and the most effective way to poverty eradication. Education as an enabler for progress in other fields was stressed, including health and employment. Need to shift focus from the mere access to education to quality education, including adequate facilities, qualified teachers, good home-conditions, promotion of innovation and civicmindedness as well as measurable learning outcomes, was stressed by many. So was the need for free and equal access to education for all, including people with disabilities, children living in remote rural areas, and marginalized groups. Importance of life long learning was also raised.

Social protection floors and the importance of child sensitive social protection systems related to abuse, neglect and social exclusion were highlighted. Quality cashtransfers were raised as an effective way to help the most vulnerable.

(Excerpt from Co-Chair's meetings with the Major Groups and other Stakeholders)
Steering Committee
Members & Contributors
Name Organization
Antonia WulffEducation International
April AlconisCampaign for People's Goals for Sustainable Development
Bilel ABOUDI Tunisia
Cristina DiezInternational Movement ATD Fourth World
Galymzhan KirbassovJournalists and Writers Foundation
Jana abou-diabtogether to palestine
Katie EllisChronic Poverty Advisory Network
Kweyunga Emmanuel MikeKeirere Green Africa Agency
Larisa ZelentsovaInterregional Union of Life Help for Mentally Handicapped Persons
Marcela Ballara International council for adult education ICAE - GEO
Matthew Reading SmithStakeholder Forum
Miroslav PolzerInternational Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)
natalene poissonUnited Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
Nicole CardinalSave the Children
Punit AsthanaIndian Dreams Foundation
R. Don PeelUniversity of Hawaii
Simone TOUSSIInternational Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD)
Yossef Ben-MeirHigh Atlas Foundation

As a registered (online registered, through this website) major groups organization, you may contribute to the work of Steering Committees of the Thematic Clusters by uploading articles, background or position papers that relates to the Thematic Cluster and towards formulation of a Sustainable Development Goal of that particular cluster. See full list of Thematic Clusters here.

At the present stage of social development inclusive education is the most productive tactics training every child, regardless of the existence of his personal property atypical. As a rule, the presen...
In modern conditions of globalization there is a threat of dissolution of many national cultures because of deleting of their ethnic originality. Meanwhile, respect for their traditions and culture pl...
Building democracy brings to the fore a great question - that begs an answer - facing the youth of the world and especially in countries in the Middle East and North Africa. How can widespread and ap...
High Atlas Foundation on 1:53 pm, 7 Nov, 2014
During the last decade, the international community has collected substantial evidence of the fundamental role of culture in development. Most often, policies and initiatives that do not take culture ...
Culture was ignored in development framework, namely in MDG's. The recent Creative Economy report 2013 special edition (UNESCO/UNDP) has demonstrated that culture can be both a driver and enabler of d...
Tunisia on 10:51 am, 2 May, 2014
This call to action for an ambitious sustainable goal focused on learning and equity has been endorsed by over 100 organizations from the global South and North.
Save the Children on 8:17 pm, 27 Apr, 2014
Stakeholder Forum has produced a 'Summary of targets from proposals in the SDGs e-Inventory under the OWG’s 19 Focus Areas'. A section is devoted to targets and indicators related to education.
Stakeholder Forum on 6:03 am, 7 Apr, 2014
With just two years to go until their deadlines, progress reports on the education-related targets of the Millennium Development Goals and the Education for All goals set in Dakar, Senegal, in 2000 ha...
International Movement ATD Fourth World on 11:22 am, 13 Mar, 2014
Opening Remarks for the OPGA High Level Event on

‘The Contributions of Women, the Young and Civil Society

to the post-2015 Development Agenda’

6 March 2014

By Paul Quintos

Campaign ...
The Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) believes that education is one of the key factors that affects all dimensions of sustainable development and can credibly enhance the integration of the di...
Journalists and Writers Foundation on 10:46 am, 14 Feb, 2014
Indian Dreams Foundation is running program for girls' education. Main objective behind this program is to provide equal access to girls for getting education at every level of school. Reducing drop o...
Indian Dreams Foundation on 4:05 am, 11 Jan, 2014
ICAE believes that lifelong learning is the education paradigm of the XXI century. Assuming this paradigm, implies a shift in education systems, where literacy and the education of young people and ad...
Save the Children promotes a holistic post-2015 agenda that has poverty eradication at its core and is guided by universal, equitable and sustainable development approaches. This briefing highlights k...
Save the Children on 12:17 pm, 8 Jan, 2014
Education is the single most important factor in stopping the transmission of poverty from parents to children.

This policy brief makes the case that smart interventions can make rapid, permanent i...
Chronic Poverty Advisory Network on 10:39 am, 22 Nov, 2013
This policy guide aims to steer educational policymakers and practitioners through recent evidence about the relationship between education and chronic poverty. Specifically, it draws out practical le...
Chronic Poverty Advisory Network on 10:38 am, 22 Nov, 2013
everybody kindly invited to join us for IAAI/GloCha Side event to 6th Session of OWG
"Innovation – Youth – 15/15/15 – Action: UN System Partnering with Civil Society on Resource Mobilization fo...
There can be no credible global development framework without the right to quality education at its core. Education International is calling for universal free quality education as the global goal on ...
Education International on 12:00 am, 2 Jul, 2013
This document sets out 10 principles for education in a post-2015 development framework. The full achievement of the right to education implies equity and is only realisable through political will and...
Education International on 12:00 am, 2 Jul, 2013
Intervention delivered by Mrs Aliye Celik, UCLG representative
on behalf of the Local Authorities Major Group
Public hearings on Youth and Culture
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) on 12:00 am, 27 Jun, 2013
United Nations