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GA Panel Discussion, New York, 6 Novemeber 2009

Special Event - Second Committee, 64th Session of the General Assembly
Panel Discussion:
Enhancing Governance on Water

6 November 2009
New York, NY


Press Conference Archive Webcast [43 min]:

"Key issues relating to climate change and sustainable development"
- Colin Chartres, Director-General of CGIAR's International Water Management Institute, and
- Aaron Wolf, Programme Director of Water Conflict Management and Transformation at Oregon State University.
Water experts say water scarcity is a major global concern -UN Radio

Summary Note

The expert panel in this special event of the economic and financial committee of the UN General Assembly will explore how to achieve solutions to the manifold challenges to the truly sustainable management of water resources.

Experts will explore the underpinning governance reforms that need to take place at all levels in order to:

  • ensure access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities,
  • ensure food security,
  • strengthen cooperative management of shared waters,
  • avoid water wars,
  • strengthen capacities to adapt to climate change,
  • increase the resilience to water related disasters, and
  • build an effective institutional architecture from the international/watershed to the local level adapting to and respecting the cultural and socio-economic context.

More information in the background note