Links to UN bodies

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  • SD-L Community:
    SD-L is an e-mail announcement list for the Sustainable Development Community, provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Sustainable Development (UNDESA-DSD). It is a peer to peer communications tool for knowledge–sharing on Sustainable Development. Subscribe for free to SD-L.


  • Case Studies

    Case Studies for Sustainable Development provide valuable inputs to the work of the CSD as examples of best practices as well as illustrating lessons learned submitted by Governments, Intergovernmental Organizations and Major Groups.

    Governments, UN agencies, and Major Groups, as well as other relevant regional and international organizations, are invited to share their experiences by submitting case studies to the database. In addition to showcasing examples of implementation, case studies continue to provide a basis for the compilation of the "Matrix", a tool created at CSD-13 which compiles practical experiences and lessons learned in implementation.

  • Consumption and Production

    The Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) database provides a basis for reviewing international cooperation mechanisms on SCP. It can also serve as a source of information on such mechanisms and activities for the use of national and regional initiatives seeking international cooperation. It identifies the organizations active in each area and the nature of their activities, and indicates sources of further information.

  • Integrated Civil Society Organizations System (iCSO)

    Web-based DB with over 12,000 civil society contacts working on sustainable development, forests and other social and economic sectors.

    The iCSO System facilitates interactions between civil society organizations and DESA. The system provides online registration of general profiles for civil society organizations, including address, contacts, activities and meeting participation, facilitates the application procedure for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and assists accredited NGOs in submitting quadrennial reports and in designating representatives to the United Nations.

  • Partnerships

    The Partnerships Database aims at assisting and facilitating the identification of partnerships’ activities and their valuable contributions to implementation of sustainable development by making available a variety of searchable options.

    The information contained in this on-line resource is based on voluntary self-reports from partnerships registered with the Commission on Sustainable Development.

  • UN Official Documents System (ODS)

    ODS covers all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993. Older UN documents are, however, added to the system on a daily basis. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. The system does not contain press releases, UN sales publications, the United Nations Treaty Series or information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information.

  • Water Action Network

    At the conclusion of the 2003-2005 Implementation Cycle of the CSD, governments agreed to "develop web-based tools to disseminate information on implementation and best practices" to support international efforts to achieve the internationally agreed goals related to water and sanitation.