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Trends in Sustainable Development Reports

Trends in Sustainable Development

Trends SIDS Cover TITLE Trends in Sustainable Development – Small Island Developing States 2010-2011
DATE September 2010
FOREWORD ...In support of the five-year review of the MSI, this report highlights key developments and recent trends for SIDS in a number of areas.

Notwithstanding the importance of all the issues contained in the MSI, this publication presents those themes for which sufficient statistical data has been found to be available, comparable among all three SIDS regions (i.e., Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS), and reflective of clear trends that illustrate the uniqueness of SIDS. Based on these three criteria, the report focuses on climate change, disaster management, trade and finance, tourism, energy, natural resources, and social development...

Trends SCP Cover TITLE Trends in Sustainable Development – Towards Sustainable Consumption and Production 2010-2011
DATE April 2010
PRESS RELEASE Report Finds Few Countries Able to Break Link betweenDrive toward Prosperity and Environmental Stress
FOREWORD ...In short, we must find pathways which simultaneously achieve upward convergence of living standards (completing the development transition) and downward convergence of resource use and environmental impacts (the decoupling transition).

This volume reviews progress towards achieving these interlinked challenges, focusing first on broad trends in resource use, then turning to drivers of resource depletion and environmental degradation, and finally examining the major initiatives of governments, business and civil society to shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns.....

Trends Cover TITLE Trends in Sustainable Development – Chemicals, Mining, Transport, Waste Management 2010-2011
DATE April 2010
PRESS RELEASE Report Finds Few Countries Able to Break Link betweenDrive toward Prosperity and Environmental Stress
FOREWORD ...This report highlights key developments and recent trends in chemicals, mining, transport and waste management. In addition to considering these four themes, the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) addresses the progress of the “Ten Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption & Production Patterns” as a thematic issue during its 18th and 19th sessions (2010–2011)....

Trends Africa Cover TITLE Trends in Sustainable Development – Africa Report 2008-2009
DATE April 2008
FOREWORD ...This report highlights key developments and recent trends in sub-Saharan Africa – the case of Africa being considered by the Commission on Sustainable Development at its 16th and 17th sessions (2008-2009). It notes progress in a number of areas while, at the same time, acknowledging that in other areas significant work is still needed to advance implementation of intergovernmentally agreed goals and targets...

Trends Cover TITLE Trends in Sustainable Development 2008-2009
DATE April 2008
FOREWORD ...This report highlights key developments and recent trends in agriculture, rural development, land, desertification and drought, five of the six themes being considered by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) at its 16th and 17th sessions (2008-2009)...

...A separate Trends Report addresses developments in Africa, the sixth thematic issue under consideration by the Commission...

Trends Cover TITLE Trends in Sustainable Development 2006-2007
DATE April 2006
FOREWORD ...This report highlights key developments and recent trends in the areas of Energy for Sustainable Development, Industrial Development, Atmosphere/Air Pollution and Climate Change — the four interrelated topics being considered by the Commission on Sustainable Development at its 14th and 15th sessions (2006-07)...