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Decisions by Topic: Gender equality and women's empowerment
A/RES/70/1 - Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere

1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to
economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of
property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
1.b Create sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels, based on pro-poor and gender-sensitive development strategies, to support accelerated investment in poverty eradication actions

Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

2.2 By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on
stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls,
pregnant and lactating women and older persons

Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and
tertiary education, including university
4.6 By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy
and numeracy
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development,
including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, nonviolent,
inclusive and effective learning environments for all

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere
5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation
5.4 Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure
and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate
5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision- making in political, economic and public life
5.6 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with
the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences
5.a Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and
control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws
5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote
the empowerment of women
5.c Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels

Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

6.2 By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation,
paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations

Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and
decent work for all

8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for
young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant
workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment

Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

11.2 By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving
road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable
situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons
11.7 By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for
women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities

Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*

13.b Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in
least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local
and marginalized communities

* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international,
intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.

Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable

Systemic issues

Data, monitoring and accountability

17.18 By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries
and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable
data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and
other characteristics relevant in national contexts

A/RES/69/313- Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa Action Agenda)

76. We recognize that gender equality and women’s empowerment and the full realization of human rights for women and girls have a transformative and multiplier effect on sustainable development and is a driver of economic growth in small island developing States. Women can be powerful agents of change.

77. In this regard, we support the efforts of small island developing States:

(a) To eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls;

(b) To integrate a gender perspective in priority areas for sustainable development;

(c) To strengthen women’s economic empowerment and ensure equal access to full and productive employment and decent work;

(d) To end all forms of violence against women and girls;

(e) To continue taking measures to ensure women’s full, equal and effective participation in all fields and leadership at all levels of decision-making in the public and private sectors through such policies and actions as temporary special measures, as appropriate, and by setting and working to achieve concrete goals, targets and benchmarks;

(f) To guarantee equal access to good-quality education and health care;

(g) To ensure in small island developing States the promotion and protection of the human rights of all women and their sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, [27] the Beijing Platform for Action[28] and the outcome documents of their review conferences;

(h) To tackle the structural and socioeconomic inequalities and multiple intersecting forms of discrimination that affect women and girls, including those with disabilities, that hinder progress and development;

(i) To give women equal rights with men to economic resources, including access to, ownership of and control over land and other forms of property, credit, inheritance, natural resources and appropriate new technologies.

A/RES/69/313- Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa Action Agenda)

6. We reaffirm that achieving gender equality, empowering all women and girls, and the full realization of their human rights are essential to achieving sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development. We reiterate the need for gender mainstreaming, including targeted actions and investments in the formulation and implementation of all financial, economic, environmental and social policies. We recommit to adopting and strengthening sound policies and enforceable legislation and transformative actions for the promotion of gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment at all levels, to ensure women’s equal rights, access and opportunities for participation and leadership in the economy and to eliminate gender-based violence and discrimination in all its forms.

7. We recognize that investing in children and youth is critical to achieving inclusive, equitable and sustainable development for present and future generations, and we recognize the need to support countries that face particular challenges to make the requisite investments in this area. We reaffirm the vital importance of promoting and protecting the rights of all children, and ensuring that no child is left behind.

A/RES/66/288 - The Future We Want

236. We reaffirm the vital role of women and the need for their full and equal participation and leadership in all areas of sustainable development, and decide to accelerate the implementation of our respective commitments in this regard as contained in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as Agenda 21, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the United Nations Millennium Declaration.

237. We recognize that, although progress on gender equality has been made in some areas, the potential of women to engage in, contribute to and benefit from sustainable development as leaders, participants and agents of change has not been fully realized, owing to, inter alia, persistent social, economic and political inequalities. We support prioritizing measures to promote gender equality and women?s empowerment in all spheres of our societies, including the removal of barriers to their full and equal participation in decision-making and management at all levels, and we emphasize the impact of setting specific targets and implementing temporary measures, as appropriate, for substantially increasing the number of women in leadership positions, with the aim of achieving gender parity.

238. We resolve to unlock the potential of women as drivers of sustainable development, including through the repeal of discriminatory laws and the removal of formal barriers, ensuring equal access to justice and legal support, the reform of institutions to ensure competence and capacity for gender mainstreaming and the development and adoption of innovative and special approaches to address informal, harmful practices that act as barriers to gender equality. In this regard, we commit to creating an enabling environment for improving the situation of women and girls everywhere, particularly in rural areas and local communities and among indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities.

239. We commit to actively promote the collection, analysis and use of gender-sensitive indicators and sex-disaggregated data in policy, programme design and monitoring frameworks, in accordance with national circumstances and capacities, in order to deliver on the promise of sustainable development for all.

240. We are committed to equal rights and opportunities for women in political and economic decision-making and resource allocation and to removing any barriers that prevent women from being full participants in the economy. We resolve to undertake legislative and administrative reforms to give women equal rights with men to economic resources, including access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, credit, inheritance, natural resources and appropriate new technology.
241. We are committed to promote the equal access of women and girls to education, basic services, economic opportunities and health-care services, including addressing women?s sexual and reproductive health, and ensuring universal access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable modern methods of family planning. In this regard, we reaffirm our commitment to implement the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the key actions for the further implementation of that Programme of Action.

242. We recognize that gender equality and the effective participation of women are important for effective action on all aspects of sustainable development.

243. We support the work of the United Nations system, including the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), in promoting and achieving gender equality and women?s empowerment in all aspects of life, including with respect to the linkages between gender equality and women?s empowerment and the promotion of sustainable development. We support the work of UN-Women in leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations system in this regard.

244. We invite donors and international organizations, including the United Nations system organizations, as well as the international financial institutions, regional banks and major groups, including the private sector, to integrate fully commitments and considerations on gender equality and women?s empowerment and to ensure the participation of women and effective gender mainstreaming in their decision-making and full programming cycle. We invite them to play a supportive role in the efforts of developing countries to integrate fully commitments and considerations on gender equality and women?s empowerment and ensure the participation of women and effective gender mainstreaming in their decision-making, programme planning, budgeting and implementation, in accordance with national legislation, priorities and capacities.

United Nations