High-level political forum 2013
24 Sep 2013
3:00 PM - 8:30 PM
United Nations Headquarters, New York
under the auspices of the General Assembly
The HLPF 2013 held its first meeting on Tuesday, 24 September 2013. The meeting was held under the auspices of the General Assembly and gathered Presidents, Prime Ministers, senior officials and representatives of stakeholders.
The outcome of the meeting is a summary of the President of the General Assembly (
The meeting was broadcast through UN Webcast (links available below).
Webcast - Part 1
Webcast - Part 2
Webcast - Part 3
For more coverage, see the
Reporting Services by IISD
General Assembly
Other documents
Press releases
Statements & Presentations
Number of statements/presentations: 100
Opening Session
Major Group: Women
Ms. Gita Sen, Professor at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
Leader Dialogue: From vision to action
Remarks from the floor: From vision to action
Remarks from the floor: From vision to action
Remarks from the floor: From vision to action
Remarks from the floor: From vision to action
Remarks from the floor: From vision to action
Remarks from the floor: From vision to action
Remarks from the floor: From vision to action
Leader Dialogue: Global partnerships for development to create jobs and improve sustainable lifestyles
Remarks from the floor: Global partnerships
Remarks from the floor: Global partnerships
Remarks from the floor: Global partnerships
Remarks from the floor: Global partnerships
Remarks from the floor: Global partnerships
Remarks from the floor: Global partnerships
Short key messages on sustainability issues
Leader Dialogue: Mapping the way forward for eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable development
Remarks from the floor: Way forward
Mr. Haoliang Xu
Assistant Administrator and Director for the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
Remarks from the floor: Way forward
Mr. Haoliang Xu
Assistant Administrator and Director for the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
Closing Session