United Nations
#OneLess plastic bottle in the ocean: Starting the refill revolution395,950
10% de reas Marinas Protegidas137,950
150 nios han recibido visitas guiadas para conocer el arrecife coralino1,320
2025 Pledge towards Sustainable Tuna (25PST)110,877
3 reas Marinas Protegidas del caribe de Honduras cuentan con instrumentos que permiten la sostenibilidad financiera de las acciones de manejo 90,000
3 reas Marinas Protegidas del caribe de Honduras disponen de instrumentos de manejo.60,000
3000 estudiantes han sido educados en cuanto al tema de la importancia de la mega-fauna marina6,000
A Blueprint for Re-Building Fisheries500,000
A Holistic Solution for the Eradication of Destructive Fishing Practices in South-East Asia 420,000
A joint ACCOBAMS/GFCM approach to mitigate bycatch and depredation in the Mediterranean Sea700,000
A marine modeling tool for monitoring, managing and protecting the vulnerable ecosystem Ha Long Bay in Vietnam: development, training and best practices83,790
A pilot project for the protection of running water and Mediterranean Sea water from waste frying oil50,000
ACCOBAMS - Addressing impacts of ocean noise on cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas80,000
ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative: a challenging macro synoptic regional assessment of cetaceans populations for the benefit of regional conservation and economic actors1,900,000
Achieving the promise of 10% ocean protection by 2020240,000
Action and Outreach on Ocean Acidification50,000
Actualizar el Plan Nacional de Contingencias and Derrames de Hidrocarburos y Sustancias Nocivas15,000
Adaptando la Pesca y el Turismo del Golfo de Montijo al Cambio Climtico693,721
Additional funds to a number of SDG14 related research and innovation projects40,000,000
Addressing Ocean Acidification in Washington State3,325,000
Addressing the causes of aquatic wild meat for sustainable development 300,000
African Marine Waste Network100
African Marine Waste Network20,000
AGIR pour la mise en oeuvre des Aires Marines Protgs500,000
Aitutaki Enviroloo GEF SGP Project part of the Keep Aitutaki Clean Programme27,000
Al menos un 20% de las embarcaciones de pesca artesanal contarn con un dispositivo de localizacin300,000
Aloha+ Nature 2030 Goal1,500,000
An innovative financial mechanism to support the effective management of MPAs in the Mediterranean basin; a public-private commitment in a regional approach for local beneficiaries.1,250,000
An Ocean of Opportunities - The Professor Mario Ruivo Prize10,000
APEC Project Workshop on Marine Observation and Research Towards Evidence Based Sustainable Ocean Governance155,000
Application of Ridge to Reef Concept for Biodiversity Conservation and for the Enhancement of Ecosystem Services and Cultural Heritage in Niue4,194,862
Application of the marine model for coastal shelf seas for the protection of the marine environment in Benin6,770
Aprovechando la demanda del mercado para la conservacin marina 450,000
Artists Project Earth (APE UK)10,000
Aruba Plastic Bag Ban 250,000
Assisting Improvement of Locally Managed Coastal Fisheries in the Marshall Islands50,000
Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators' Clean Seas Project310,000
At sea research for MPAs3,000,000
Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) as a contribution to global ocean observing149,500,000
Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) as a contribution to global ocean observing204,750,000
Awareness campaigns on the marine mammals in the Pelagos Santuary13,500
Baltic Sea region: Soil carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling to combat eutrophication and climate change 50,000,000
Beach Clean pUmP4,000
Beach cleans, survey of litter, and ecological surveys500
Beach Cleanup7
Beach Cleanup and Marine Debris monitoring14,000
Becas de investigacin FECOP-GFTR (becas de investigacin de la Federacin Costarricense de Pesca Turstica y Gray FishTag Research) para estudiantes costarricenses8,000
Belgian marine research programme15,000,000
Belgium's national action plan on marine litter100,000
Belize Model For Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries Management20,000
Belize Model For Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries Management30,000
Benthic Trawling Experimental project275,000
Bikash Ranjan Rautray300,000
Biogeography, Conservation and Modeling Laboratory967,226
Blue Action Fund26,000,000
Blue Economy Aquaculture Challenge22,300,000
Blue economy for a healthy Mediterranean- Measuring, Monitoring and Promoting an environmentally sustainable economy in the Mediterranean region425,000
Blue Economy Handbook40,000
Blue Forests Project4,500,000
Blue Growth Summer School50,742
Blue Innovation Institute for SIDS1,000,000
Bootless Bay Managed Marine Area 500,000
Borneo Ghost Nets Hunter10,000
Brochure on marine biodiversity in the Belgian part of the North Sea 5,000
Build a global network of Blue Carbon Knowledge Nodes for Science and Policy499,982
Building a management plan on the Whales and Dolphins Uruguayan Sanctuary: mitigate and avoid impacts on the endangered cetaceans (Eubalaena sp; Pontoporia sp), threatened and die by direct, indirect and synergistic activities.15,000
Building a management plan on the Whales and Dolphins Uruguayan Sanctuary: mitigate and avoid impacts on the endangered cetaceans (Eubalaena sp; Pontoporia sp), threatened and die by direct, indirect and synergistic activities.20,000
Building a management plan on the Whales and Dolphins Uruguayan Sanctuary: mitigate and avoid impacts on the endangered cetaceans (Eubalaena sp; Pontoporia sp), threatened and die by direct, indirect and synergistic activities.40,000
Building Capacity of Sarteneja Village to Contribute to the Success of Managed Access in Belize - GEF SGP funded project50,000
Building International Capacity to Monitor, Understand, and Act on Ocean Acidification675,667
Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries Minimize the Impacts from Aquatic Biofouling (GloFouling Partnerships)10,000,000
Building Resilience of the Land, People and Fijis Oceans100,000
Building the knowledge base for global ocean resource management15,500,000
Building up the national infrastructure to ensure the effective implementation of the Ballast Water Convention300,000
Bureau of Meteorology hosting of UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) decentralised offices for ocean science and tsunami warning4,500,000
Bureau of Meteorology hosting of UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) decentralised offices for ocean science and tsunami warning10,500,000
Cabo Verde creates and implements comprehensive frameworks for maritime sector planning and threat management 6,935,000
Campaa concientizacin para uso de bolsas reutilizables en las Islas de la Baha, con el fin de reducir el uso de bolsas de plstico desechables.1,300
Capacitar a 75 efectivos de la Fuerza Naval de Honduras en cuanto a temas de control y vigilancia de reas protegidas marinas12,000
Capacitar a 80 autoridades policiales en temas de legislacin ambiental4,400
Capacitar a maestros de escuela en el manejo de desechos slidos2,048
Capacitar a todas las juntas de agua de Roatan en el mejor manejo del agua potable y actividades de saneamiento15,000
Capacity building for preserving marine habitats with marine models in Peru83,790
Capacity Building in support of the Ocean Economy50,000
Capacity Development Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 and the Transfer of Marine Technology within the SIDS600,000
Caracterizacin de las principales actividades pesqueras en los Cayos Miskitos,40,000
Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE)1,160,000
Caribbean Platform for Nutrients Management 800,000
Center for Biodiversity Conservation and Endangered Species (CBES)- Viet Nam Marine Megafauna Network10,000
Center for Biodiversity Conservation and Endangered Species (CBES)- Viet Nam Marine Megafauna Network9,000
CITES working for sustainable fisheries delivering on needs-driven capacity building 900,000
Civil society and small and micro enterprise innovation for marine and coastal conservation in the Caribbean1,120,000
Clean Beaches Operation10,000
Clean Coastline (Ren Kustlinje)6,600,000
Clean Coasts400
Clean Seas for a Cleaner Pacific10,000,000
Clean up exercise2,000
Climate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific (COSPPac)29,000,000
Climate change and ocean acidification: risks and opportunities for the seafood industry. Review project.177,000
Climate Justice by Your Hands Project, supported by GEF SGP implemented by UNDP3,680
Closed Loop Ocean Funding Mechanism150,000,000
Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management Program80,000,000
Coastal Cleanup and Community Outreach Education for Single-use Plastics 5,000
Coastal Fisheries Initiative/LAC: Producing a change shift towards an integrated, inclusive and sustainable approach to fisheries management and development6,588,991
Coastal Impact28,500
Collaborative mitigating measures for the conservation of marine ecosystem in the lower Volta Basin in the Songor Ramsar and Biosphere Reserve67,900
Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme1,073,064
Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme7,511,309
Commonwealth Marine Reserves41,650,000
Community and Stakeholder Based Coral Reef Restoration In Bira & Harapan Islands, Thousand Islands, Jakarta201,969
Community Based Coral Reef Restoration in Ambon Bay, Maluku, Indonesia212,814
Community Based Fisheries Management Phase 26,000,000
Community Based Sea Turtle Conservation in Sri Lanka500,000
Concept Design of Robotic Solar Powered Barges to Filter and Remove Oceanic Plastic70,000
Conciencia Martima10,000
Connecting and Protecting Our Seas: Initiatives in the Baltic and the Mediterranean 100,000
Conservacin, uso sostenible de la biodiversidad y mantenimiento de los servicios de los ecosistemas de humedales protegidos de importancia internacional- Proyecto Humedales20,894,191
Conservación de los humedales e impulso de actividades agro ecoturísticas en el Espavé de Chame.26,700
Conservación de los manglares y protección de tortugas marinas y playas en Jaqué, Darién. 25,185
Conservation and management of biodiversity through sustainable production and efficient governance mechanism in the Bio-corridor.40,050
Conservation and Management of Cetaceans490,000
Conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity in the Carribean Sea Basin9,500,000
Conservation and Wise Use of Mangroves and Coral Reefs in Latin America and the Caribbean 106,636
Conservation of marine eco-systems surrounding through implementing Sustainable Fisheries, support Marine research and educational programs10,000
Conservation of sea turtle contributing to biodiversity of Hon Cau marine protected area49,867
Conservation of sea turtle contributing to biodiversity of Hon Cau marine protected area9,167
Conservation of urban wetlands through birds and citizen science24,150
Conserve and restore marine biodiversity resources on Santa Luzia, Raso and Branco MPA6,652,489
Conserve the Ocean of Lobitos by declaring it a World Surfing Reserve (WSR)20,000
Conserving Marine Biodiversity in Saint. Kitts and Nevis17,570,731
Conserving productive and resilient marine ecosystems: Supporting human wellbeing from the Sea1,000,000
Conserving productive and resilient marine ecosystems: Supporting human wellbeing from the Sea434,600
Consolidacion de Reserva De Biosfera de UNESCO 130
Continuar con el mantenimiento y operacin de los viveros de corales en la isla de Roatn26,000
Contribution to the Blue Action Fund #OceanAction160985,500,000
Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) 340,000
Coral Sea Natural Park management plan876,700
Coral Triangle Initiative Australian Support Program 4,400,000
Creacin de al menos un vivero de corales para actvidades de recuperacin de areas afectadas en funcionamiento en algn pas del Arrecife Mesoamericano.5,000
Creacin de lineamientos de ordenamiento del sector pesquero45,000
Creacin de lnea base en cuanto al estado de los manglares y pastos marinos en la Isla de Roatn25,000
Creacin de reas de recuperacin de pesqueras en el paisaje marino CSUCC (Cuero y Salado - Utila - Cayos Cochinos)6,000
Creacin de un Fondo Ambiental para incentivar la Conservacin de los Servicios Ecosistmicos del Mar y de los Recursos Marino y Costeros160,000
Creacin del Plan de Manejo Pesquero para la Baha de Tela70,000
Crear e implementar el programa de control y vigilancia en las reas protegidas marinas de la Baha de Tela.50,000
Crear mecanismos de prestamos blandos para favorecer a los grupos organizados de pescadores artesanales1,000,000
Crear un plan de gobernanza del recurso pesquero en el Paisaje Marino CSUCC (Cuero y Salado-Utila-Cayos Cochinos)4,000
Crear una cadena de compra eficiente y transparente para que los pescadores artesanales vendan su producto en el mercado200,000
Crear, reforzar, socializar y establecer planes de gobernanza de las reas marinas protegidas y zonas de recuperacin pesquera de Guanaja18,000
Crear, reforzar, socializar y establecer planes de gobernanza de las reas marinas protegidas y zonas de recuperacin pesquera en la Baha de Tela18,000
Creating a vision to guide development of a sustainable ocean future: the Future Seas 2030 initiative50,000
Creating awareness and ensuring access to technology through education & community programs 15,000
Creating awareness and ensuring access to technology through education & community programs 35,000
Creating the regulatoru system to allow for and promote the use of LNG as an alternative fuel60,000
Creation of a community environmental team (Cration d'une brigade environnementale coutumire)250,000
Crer des socits de rsilience travers la protection des rserves de biosphre et des ocans4,666,712
Curaao as a Caribbean Leader for Marine Science and Innovation4,500,000
Declaracin de reas de recuperacin pesquera300,000
Declarar dos reas de recuperacin de la pesca en la Isla de Roatn: French Cay y Santa Elena10,000
Declaration of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)20,000
Deep Sea Conservation 300,000
Demonstrating Innovative Ocean Governance Mechanisms and Delivering Best Practices and Lessons for Extended Continental Shelf Management within the Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems2,210,391
Desarrollar dos investigaciones cientficas por ao acerca de tema marinos3,000
Desarrollo de al menos 2 sistemas de gobernanza para el manejo de los recursos pesqueros y de los ecosistemas asociados costero-marinos200,000
Design and implementation of a national fisheries governance model based on co-management1,000,000
Designation of the First Ever Marine Protected Area in Pakistan11,000
Designation of the Jomard entrance as a particularly sensitive sea area30,000
Develop research capacity and transfer of marine technology through the UNESCO/IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centers (RTRCs) on Marine Science in the Western Pacific and adjacent regions in support of the SDG 14.a60,000
Developing a bilingual web-based fish identification tool for field use in Indonesia185,000
Developing the Statistical Capacities for Monitoring the SDGs and Paris Agreement Commitments 1,000,000
Development and strengthening of the regional research and monitoring network, as part of global efforts, on the ecological impacts of ocean acidification on coral reef ecosystems in the Western Pacific and its adjacent regions in support of the SDG 14.3300,000
Development economic alternatives fishing community Punta Alegre contribute sustainable use marine resources and biodiversity protection National Park Los Caimanes SGP-GEF150,000
Development of a national marine spatial planning process300,000
Development of a national strategy to combat marine litter 330,000
Development of the duck island snorkeling trail60,000
Dispatch of Experts on Coastal and Marine Resources Management (Japanese Regional Technical Cooperation)300,000
Diving into an Ocean Loving Blue Economy500,000
Ecosystem based fisheries management and ecosystem restoration in the Humboldt Current System8,000,000
Effective Management of the Coastal and Marine Environment 1,100,000
El compromiso voluntario del Programa de Pequeas Donaciones GEF Colombia es fortalecer la capacidad de 14 organizaciones comunitarias para el manejo sostenible y la proteccin de los ecosistemas marino costeros, mediante el desarrollo del ecoturismo y la p290,110
Eliminar la venta de plsticos en 2 supermercados de la Isla de Roatn1,400
Emissions reduction from International Shipping through the use of the Panama Canal route 250,000
Empowering international sustainable development actions through science-driven management 12,000
Empowering Young Conservation Leaders10,000
Ending Illegal Fishing through Improved Surveillance2,800,000
Eneco Clean Beach Cup30,000
Eng. Iffat EDRISS1,785,000
Engaging Civil Society in the delivery of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem plus Strategic Action Programme (CLME+ SAP) Implementation 350,000
Enhance the capacities for marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable use1,380,000
Enhance the Conservation of Coastline Seascape of the Jaltepeque estuary through community-based approach50,000
Enhance the Conservation of Coastline Seascape of the Jaltepeque estuary through community-based approach50,000
Enhance the Conservation of Coastline Seascape of the Jaltepeque estuary through community-based approach50,000
Enhance the Conservation of Tropical Coastline Seascape of the Beibu Gulf through community-based approach 500,000
Enhance the Tropical Coastline Seascape of South Tarawa through community based approach400,000
Enhancing global ocean acidification monitoring and research600,000
Enhancing National Development through Environmentally Resilient Islands (ENDhERI)3,000,000
Enhancing the capacity of developing countries to implement their obligations under CITES for marine species 1,119,000
Environmental forecasting of the ocean: development of advanced predictive tools that combine numerical models and ocean observations (satellite and in-situ).1,200,000
eReefs catchment and coastal fore casting and satellite based monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef3,600,000
eReefs catchment and coastal fore casting and satellite based monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef2,400,000
Establecimiento de los lineamientos para la creacin de Planes de Ordenamiento Pesquero20,000
Establishing electronic notification systems for the effective use of fishing gear220,000
Establishing integrated nitrogen management systems for the Gulf of Riga450,000
Establishing marine protected areas in Estonian EEZ250,000
Establishing regional plans for aquaculture in Estonian marine areas250,000
Establishment of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at the coastline of Plakias, Crete1,995
Establishment of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at the coastline of Plakias, Crete5,606
Establishment of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at the coastline of Plakias, Crete95,300
Establishment of an acoustic and fishery information system to improve knowledge of marine ecosystems and its resources through the use of data from fishing vessels, incorporating actors from other countries.170,000
Estrategia Nacional para sustituir el consumo de plstico de un solo uso por alternativas renovables y compostables20,000
Estudio de valoracion de la resiliencia al cambio climatico de los ecosistemas costeros y los efectos sobre la diversidad10,000
EU/UNDP Project: Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea - Selected Measures (EMBLAS-Plus)1,827,000
Expansion of sea cucumber grow-out operations to support coastal community livleihoods 7,500,000
Expansion of Voluntary Marine Conservation Areas in Roches Noires and Anse La Raie Mauritius (supported by GEF SGP & implemented by UNDP)50,000
Facilitating community-led fisheries in Raja Ampat for implementation of SDG 14150,000
Facilitating global coordination and collaboration on ocean acidification4,000,000
Facilitating learning an sharing of good practices within and beyond UNESCO Biosphere Reserves How do UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the Baltic Sea Region contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda?115,000
Fate of Single use Plastic (SUP) on inland water transport & Its catastrophic effect on River- An awareness and participatory Program To Achieve SDG-14375,000
Federal Truck awareness raising campaign on marine biodiversity17,700
Fifth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in the Philippines4,500,000
Fight against plastic bags1,000
Fish & Run 314,000
Fish Forever100,000,000
Flanders-UNESCO Science Trust Funds (FUST) - marine programme/projects1,000,000
Force des femmess140,000
Fortalecimiento organizacional y de capacidades de 3 organizaciones comunitarias dentro de la Zona Especial de Manejo Zona Sur de Veraguas.28,000
Fortalecimiento organizacional y de capacidades de 3 organizaciones comunitarias dentro de la Zona Especial de Manejo Zona Sur de Veraguas.42,531
Fostering Improvement in Fisheries and Aquaculture Operations in Asia200,000
Fostering the conservation and sustainable use of marine Biological Diversity through the International Climate Initiative (IKI)27,000,000
France decided to contribute financially to UNEP activities under the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML), for the 2017- 2020 period.500,000
French Initiative for Coral Reefs (IFRECOR): Plan of actions 2016-20205,000,000
Friend of the Sea1,000,000
Friend of the Sea1,000,000
Friend of the Sea200,000
Friend of the Sea500,000
Funding to Address Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Pacific 3,290,000
Getting African fishing communities ready for the FAO International Year of Small scale fisheries and aquaculture i2022400,000
Gift to Our Children! Scaling up locally managed marine areas to 100% of Fiji's customary marine areas700,000
Global Coral Reef Partnership 3,000,000
Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships (GloMEEP) Project2,500,000
Global Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres' Network Project (GMN)10,800,000
Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE) - Enhancing global ocean oxygen science from local seas to the global ocean to preserve ocean health and human well-being.40,000
Global Ocean Science Report90,000
Global Partnership on Nutrient Management100,000
Global Partnership on Nutrient Management250,000
Global Partnership on Nutrient Management6,000,000
Global Priorities for Conserving Sharks and Rays. A 2015 2025 Strategy2,000,000
Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities5,500,000
Good Practice Guidelines for Nature-based Tourism Excursions84,842
Green coastal shipping private public partnership on eco-friendly transport2,000,000
Green Indonesia Waste Education for primary schools in Indonesia7,500
Grupos organizados de pescadores de baja escala implementan tecnicas sostenibles de pesca30,000
Hawaii Business Blueprint for Action75,000
Hosting an International Workshop of Scientific Experts on Fish Stocks in the Central Arctic Ocean 22,000
Hosting of Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Expert Workshop on Marine Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures115,000
HYBRIT - Towards fossilfree steel7,245,000
Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The contribution of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development0
Implement an innovative financial mechanism for ocean governance in Santa Catarina state 200,000
Implementación del Área Marina Protegida Punta Tombo, la mayor colonia de pingüinos de Magallanes del Planeta.50,000
Implementacion del Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial (SAT), en sitios vulnerables, orientados a la formacion de recursos humanos para respuestas efectivas, y elaborar mapas de amenazas de huracanes y marejadas.100,000
Implementar campaa educativa a 25 centros educativos en Municipio de Roatn y Santos Guardiola 51,500
Implementar el programa de control y vigilancia en la Isla de Roatn con apoyo de la empresa privada7,000
Implementar y validar 4 sistemas de trazabilidad de especies objeto de pesca, incluyendo valor comercial.35,000
Implementation of a regional network of stock assessment for pelagic and demersal resources to promote sustainable fisheries under an ecosystem approach400,000
Implementation of an integrated approach to coastal and marine ecosystems for sustainable blue growth in the Southeast Pacific (SPINCAM Project Phase 3)880,000
Implementation of best environmental practice for the marine tourism industry through the Green Fins approach100,000
Implementation of strengthened and coordinated Monitoring, Control and Surveillance scheme to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. 1,869,615
Implementation of Ten-point Plan of Action for Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries of German Development Cooperation180,000,000
Implementation of the Arafura and Timor Seas Regional and National Strategic Action Programs10,045,662
Implementation of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) principles and practices in the ENP South region - ENI SEIS II South Support Mechanism2,017,937
Implementing Emerging Technology for Ocean & Environmental Resilience20,000
Implementing science-based management plans to ensure sustainable fisheries in California380,000
Improve our understanding of microfibers with actionable steps to prevent them from becoming aquatic debris100,000
Improved Coastal Watersheds and Livelihoods project 3,700,000
Improvement of regional fisheries governance in Western Africa 17,000,000
Improving Coral Reefs Protection for Effective Conservation20,000
Improving international cooperation to conserve and better manage sharks and rays400,000
Improving ocean noise governance500,000
Improving scientific knowledge and data sharing to increase understanding of ocean health1,000,000
Improving the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage worldwide150,000
Improving the stormwater discharge systems to decrease the load of nutrients, hazardous substances and litter to the sea150,000
Improving worldwide recruitment and retention of young people into the marine sector to ensure protection of the ocean for future generations125,000
Incluir a 3 escuelas mas en el programa de educacin ambiental1,500
Increase the representation of deep-sea and oceanic habitats in Marine Protected Area Networks of the Asia-Pacific region.75,000
Increasing knowledge and awareness on alien species100,000
Indonesia Against Marine Plastic Debris1,000,000,000
Influence of 3-dimensional currents induced by a submarine canyon in the health of coastal ecosystems - integration of in situ and satellite data200,000
Information Technology in Marine life for Kenya90,000
Informing global policies to reduce ocean noise for the benefit of marine life protection and the sustainability of global fisheries450,500
International Capacity Building in Ocean Science and Technology40,000
International Environmental Education Program on Micro-plastics50,000
International Indian Ocean Expedition 2150,000
International Multi-species Fish Tagging1,000,000
International scientific projects related to marine mammals in the Pelagos Sanctuary360,000
International Working Group Coordination for Plastic Pollution Reduction200,000
IORA Training Programme on Enhancing Sustainable Port Services and Management in the Indian Ocean Region for Improved Maritime Connectivity60,000
IORA Workshop on Regional strategy to address issues of sustainable management and development of fisheries resources in the Indian Ocean rim region60,000
ISLA CORALS : Integrated Support for Local Actions Towards Coastal and Ocean Resources Amelioration and Livelihood Sustainability146,000
Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Comprehensive Assessment and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems and Their Services in the Coral Triangle (Blue CARES)4,000,000
Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management (J-PRISM) in Pacific Island Countries Phase II15,000,000
Junior Ocean Ambassador Camp10,000
Just Transitions to a Plastic Free Paciifc5,000
Kiribati's voluntary commitment: Shark Sanctuary 150,000
La administracin de los recursos marinos dispone de protocolos de investigacin de objetos de conservacin marina claves.15,000
La Minga: Long-term financing for two marine conservation mosaics in Colombia200,000
Land-based Plastics to the Ocean1,200,000
Launch of twinned marine protected areas in Europe and Africa, North America, and South America 1,118,000
Launching Two More Ocean XPRIZE Competitions for Incentivizing Innovations that Make our Ocean Healthy, Valued, and Understood 9,500,000
Legal ban of microplastics in cosmetics and cleaning products7,000
Licenciamiento de pescadores artesanales para la captura de pez len3,000
Llevar a cabo 100 entrenamientos por ao a negocios en cuanto al consumo de responsable de mariscos, utilizando la Gua de Consumo Responsable de Mariscos de las Islas de la Baha100,000
Llevar a cabo charlas y formaciones profesionales para promover el consumo responsable de mariscos3,000
Llevar a cabo las campaas de monitoreo de salud arrecifal en los cuatro pases del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano (SAM)100,000
LME: Learn13,250,000
LME: Learn2,500,000
M. Mouhamadou Bamba KA202,765
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Management of the Coastal Zone in the Republic of Mauritius4,664,521
Managed Pollution Zone (formerly RePlaROc)50,000,000
Management of marine environment around the Korean Peninsula33,000,000
Mangrove Reforestation500
Mangrove Restoration Potential Map 575
Mangroves Cultivation and Seawall Protection33,333
Mangroves, marine and freshwater systems conservation and rehabilitation112,500
Manual Interactivo titulado Los Arrecifes Coralinos de Islas de la Bahia ha sido publicado9,829
Marae Moana - Cook Islands Marine Park5,000,000
Mariculture development for bait resource sustainability10,000,000
Marine Biodiversity Hub31,200,000
Marine Conservation Masterplan - Vizhinjam/Kovalam, India25,000
Marine conservation through Ridge-to-Reef approach in Grenada18,458,488
Marine conservation, protection, and sustainable use of marine biodiversity and marine management for monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) included for combating IUU-fishing and its related fisheries crime activities with community resilience and ad2,000,000,000
Marine Ecosystems Protected Area (MEPA) Trust's Biodiversity Is Our Business Project - Valuing Ecosystem Services for Biodiversity Protection180,000
Marine environment protection through CERAC (Special Monitoring & Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre) of NOWPAP(North-west Pacific Action Plan)2,647,000
Marine Environmental Education12,000
Marine Information and Data for Users - www.MarineFinland.fi2,600,000
Marine litter action plan for ports and harbours100,000
Marine litter management through TEMM (the Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among China, Japan and Korea)861,209
Marine Protected Area Co-management Capacity Building in NE Tobago50,000
Marine Protected Area in the Weddell-Sea, Antarctica600,000
Marine Protected Areas as a fisheries management tool45,000
Marine protection400,000
Marine Spatial Planning 50,000
Marine Spatial Planning in Argentina120,000
Maritime Green Team 0150,000
Maritime Research Program34,000,000
Mayores capacidades para la gestin de las pesqueras.50,000
Mediterranean implementation of the Ecosystem Approach, in coherence with the EU MSFD2,675,000
Mejoramiento de las Capacidades Atraves del Plan Integral de los Humedales en Panamá 765,000
Mejorar las plantas de tratamiento de aguas servidas existentes en el municipio de Roatan 3,000
Milkfish Aquaculture Project (Kiribati)1,680,000
Mobilise cities and the innovation community to clean up the Baltic Sea and capture economic and social gains. 1,500,000
Mobilize public, private and philanthropic resources to reduce the amount of plastic flowing into the ocean10,000,000
Modernization project to update the European Fisheries Control Agency application 470,000
Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro100
Morgado Square Marine Managed Area30,000
Multi-Sites Deployment of Pilot Scale Technology for Integrated Nearshore and Ocean Farming ( open water aquaculture for Seaweed/ fish/ Mussel and ocean energy) to meet NEXUS and Blue-growth Development200,000,000
Multi-stakeholder efforts to enhance socio-ecological landscape resilience in Pakistan's Indus Delta area. 600,000
National Environmental Science Programme: Marine Biodiversity Hub47,760,000
National Environmental Science Programme: Tropical Water Quality Hub63,600,000
National Marine Spatial Plan180,000
National Plan of Action to combat, deter and eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishng1,000,000
National Search for Outstanding Coastal Community Malinis at Masaganang Karagatan (MMK) (CLEAN AND PLENTIFUL OCEAN) 4,800,000
National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP)20,000,000
National Water Quality Monitoring Program (Estuarine and Marine Environment)30,000
Nature Seekers- Leatherback Sea Turtle By-Catch Project- GEF SGP Trinidad and Tobago149,629
Nauru Awareness and Beach Clean-up Campaign10,000
Neptune: The New Ocean Award100,000
New Caledonia Towards Sustainable Blue Growth150,000
New multidisciplinary research vessel60,000,000
New tools to support the conservation and sustainable management of marine biodiversity 5,820,000
New tools to support the conservation and sustainable management of marine biodiversity 647,500
No butts on the beach28,057
Northern Mozambique Channel partnership1,000,000
O Governo engaja-se na implementao de um plano estrategico para alcanar o ODS 14100,000
O Governo engaja-se na implementao de um plano estrategico para alcanar o ODS 14100,000
Ocean Acidification Investigation in East Africa7,000
Ocean Acidification Investigation in East Africa8,400
Ocean Action Campaign120,000
Ocean Action Campaign725,000
Ocean Dialogue India75,000
Ocean futures: solutions from science2,686,900
Ocean Literacy for all: a global strategy to raise the awareness for the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of our ocean.170,000
Ocean Plastics Lab - Scientific Insights on Marine Plastic Pollution1,800,000
Ocean Protection Educational Initiatives and Advocacy 3,000
Ocean-based economies to fight climate change: Ocean Energy Resources Assessment for Maldives (OpERATE)967,000
Ocean: keys to act - encourage action at local level via education and empowerment100,000
Oceans Plastic Pollution - Save Marine Life and Human Health150,000
OceanSmart Green Boating App100,000
Official Development Assistance in the marine and fisheries sector by Republic of Korea5,000,000
Oficializar el Programa Nacional de Restauracin10,000
One Pearl Farm in Fiji to review pratices for better sustainability18,000
OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign5,000
Organizar intercambios nacionales e internacionales entre pescadores para conocer experiencias de pesca sustentable.16,000
Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE)670,000
Pacific Maritime Boundaries Project1,470,000
Pacific plastic pollution: A system for regional grassroots solutions2,000,000
Pacific Women Defend the Commons, Pacific Communities Defend the Commons20,000
Pacific Year for the Ocean 20175,000
PADDLE: planning in a liquid world with tropical stakes. Solutions from an EU/Africa/Brazil perspective1,600,000
Paddling for a Cleaner ocean 15,000
Panama National Action Plan on Marine Litter and Stakeholder Round Table on Marine Debris55,000
Partnership for Regional Ocean Governance: International Forum for Advancing Regional Ocean Governance620,000
Partnership with African Coastal States to Eradicate IUU Fishing in their Sovereign Waters by 20201,500,000
Partnerships with SIDS for floating solar energy at sea1,500,000
Peruvian Coastal Atlas10,000
Philippines large marine protected areas and tuna fishery improvement project1,500,000
Pilot Project on Oyster (Crassostrea spp.) Culture60,000
Plages Propres51,800
Plantar 100,000 plantas de mangle en 10 hectreas de humedal entre 2017 y 2018 en Guanaja10,000
Plantar 6,000 plantas de manglar en la Isla de Roatn6,200
Plastic Bag Free Raglan50,000
Plastic litter and marine fish (PlasM)398,000
Plastic Pollution - Free Fiji Campaign5,000
Plastic Pollution Awareness Raising Programmes and Beach Cleanups25,000
Plataforma Nacional de Pesqueras Sostenibles de Grandes Pelgicos2,975,261
Policy strategies to declare 30% of the Uruguayan EEZ a Marine Protected Area MPA -EBSA-15
Policy strategies to declare 30% of the Uruguayan EEZ a Marine Protected Area MPA -EBSA-25
Pollution Tracker Program and Study of Micro-plastics in the Arctic Ocean and their Biological Effects on Marine Life500,000
Poltica Nacional de Costas y Mares140,000
Poltica Nacional de Humedales40,000
Polystyrene (Styrofoam) Ban18,000
Preparing California for sea-level rise 110,000
Private Foundation investing in Marine Protected Areas in Brazil and related public policies1,200,000
Prof. Dr. Sergio Mattos Fonseca10,000
Prof. Dr. Sergio Mattos Fonseca120,000
Prof. Dr. Sergio Mattos Fonseca20,000
Prof. Dr. Sergio Mattos Fonseca50,000
Programa de acuicultura sostenible de ostras, pargos, tilapias, camarones, entre otros 2,756,000
Programa de Control y Vigilancia Martima: programa 1.6 del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo3,400,000
Programa de Extracción de Redes Fantasma75,000
Programa Nacional de Observadores Cientficos 175,000
Programme Aquacole dans lArrondissement de Fimela Promotion de la Pisciculture et de lOstriculture dans les Communes de Fimela et de Palmarin Facao194,785
Progressing Implementation of the New Song for Coastal Fisheries Pathways to Change280,000
Project Ocean Friendly Businesses 1,000
Projet de Régénération d'écosystme de la mangrove et de la biodiversité et de lutte contre la pollution marine dans la Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Saloum (RBDS) 10,000
Projet de Régénération d'écosystme de la mangrove et de la biodiversité et de lutte contre la pollution marine dans la Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Saloum (RBDS) 18,460
Projet de Régénération d'écosystme de la mangrove et de la biodiversité et de lutte contre la pollution marine dans la Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Saloum (RBDS) 4,000
Projeto Verde Mar de limpeza subaqutica (Verde Mar Project - Diving against Marine Debris)10,000
Promise to Paeʻ Āina o Hawaiʻiʻ - A Collective Commitment 20,000
Promocin de un marco regulatorio en panam que incorpore la reduccin de la contaminacin por plsticos en el medio marino.104,796
Promote an economic, integrated, sustainable and inclusive development, addressing climate changes challenges in Coastal West Africa230,000,000
Promote and increase the public investment on projects focused on marine biodiversity conservation by 2 Million Euros2,000,000
Promote and support the establishment of a strong and vibrant marine and maritime research and innovation network, through the establishment of a Port Tech Cluster in Lisbon and the Atlantic Observatory in the Azores, with a focus on both North and South 10,000,000
Promote public policy and raise international awareness on the important of the Ocean and human health1,000,000
Promote, inspire, and accelerate sustainable solutions and practices1,500,000
Promote, sustainably use, and protect kadalamma-the Mother Sea-with indigenous fisherfolk1,000
Promoting interdisciplinary research to achieve sustainable oceans5,000,000
Promoting Sustainable Fisheries: National Awareness Programme in Support of the First Temporary Octopus Fisheries Closure in Mauritius (Funded by the GEF Small Grants Programme implemented by UNDP)50,000
Promoting the Creation of Highly Protected Marine Reserves30,000,000
Promover el establecimiento de reas de no-pesca en el espacio marino Cuero y Salado - Utila - Cayos Cochinos6,000
Promover mejores prcticas de uso y conservacin de suelos en la Isla de Utila8,000
Protect the biodiversity of Cabo Verde from marine debris20,000
Protecting 1 million sq kms through the $15 million WCS Marine Protected Area Fund15,000,000
Protecting Californias coastal ecosystems175,000,000
Protecting Californias marine ecosystems through effective management of the states marine protected area network23,900,000
Protecting fisheries livelihoods in Ghana and Somalia 6,700,000
Protecting Kep Archipelago300,000
Protection of marine turtles and nesting beaches through the involvement of the local population19,500
Protection of the Arctic Ocean and its ecosystem1,000,000
Provide Inclusive Science-based Approaches to the Implementation of SEAFRUIT LANDS project.200
Proyecto de gestión integral de residuos sólidos para la Isla de Taboga250,000
Public awareness and information camapain on marine litter and prevention of plastics in the sea300,000
Publicacin de la Poltica Nacional de Humedales10,000
Publicar un listado de post-larvas de peces arrecifales para la Isla de Roatn2,800
Publicar y hacer entrar en vigencia la Nueva Ley de Pesca y Acuicultura en el Diario Oficial La Gaceta15,000
R.E.E.F.S. (Research Enhancement for Seascapes)0
Raise Awareness about the Ocean and Take Action12,000
Raising awareness about marine conservation and sustainable resource management and creating independent small businesses by developing aquaculture techniques in order to reduce poverty in Zanzibar150,000
Raising awareness for the ocean protection among the youngest of the coastal communities in Cape Verde300
Ratification of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM)430,000
Realizar 3 monitoreos de mega-fauna marina en la Isla de Roatn, Honduras 24,000
Realizar campaas de monitoreo de blanqueamiento de coral en Honduras48,000
Realize sustainable fisheries through fisheries resource management60,000,000
Realizing the inclusive and sustainable development in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) region through the improved ocean governance and the integrated management of ocean use and marine resources.10,900,000
Red de Pescadores con capacidades para la pesca bajo lineamientos de sostenibilidad, pesca responsable y de acceso a mercados.110,000
RED ELCTRICAS SUBSEA FOREST: Recovery of posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows Balearic Islands, Spain660,238
Reduce Marine Pollution Due to wastewater Discharge Through the Extension of the Public Sewerage Network3,700,000,000
Reducing marine debris300,000
Reducing marine debris in California watersheds and ocean waters820,000
Reducing marine litter430
Reducing Marine Pollution/protecting ecosystems/sustainable fishing/conservation of coastal and marine areas/implementing and enforcing international sea law80,000
Reducing plastic marine debris in Indonesia1,500,000
Reducing Pollution and Preserving Environmental Flows in the East Asian Seas through the Implementation of Integrated River Basin Management in selected ASEAN Countries8,479,123
Reducing solid waste of Pangkor Island polluting the sea through Innovative 3R program (reduce, reuse & recycle) business model, GEF-SGP funded project.34,960
Reducing the risk of collisions between boats and large cetaceans9,000
Reducir el uso de plsticos desechables en la Isla de Utila por medio de la realizacin de 8 charlas informativas ( cuatro 2017 y cuatro 2018), para reducir el uso de los mismos.10,000
Reducir y prevenir la contaminacin por desechos slidos en el rea costero marina Motagua-Omoa 3,000,000
Reduction of Carbon Emissions from Idling Diesel Drayage Trucks at Container Shipping Ports30,000,000
Reduction of human pressures on Cetaceans 257
Reduction of Land-based pollution loads to the Mediterranean Sea, from Industrial and municipal sources240,000
Reduction of nutrient and hazardous substances discharge in Austrian rivers and lakes1,689,930,000
Reduction of nutrient and hazardous substances discharge in Austrian rivers and lakes292,921,200
Reduction of nutrient and hazardous substances discharge in Austrian rivers and lakes3,154,536
Reduction of POPs and green house gas emissions through improvements in waste management in the Cook Islands GEF SGP48,920
Reef Check Taiwan, Province of China58,000
Reef Rescuers200,000
Reef Rescuers700,000
Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific / State of the 3Rs in Asia and the Pacific400,000
Regional action plan for a Sustainability Maritime Sector1,800,000
Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project10,000,000
Regional cooperation for national action on Caribbean Sea sustainability5,000,000
Regional Seas Programme for ocean-related SDGs2,250,000
Registro y licenciamiento de pescadores artesanales50,000
Reimaanlok Looking to the Future: Strengthening Natural Resource Management in Atoll Communities in the Republic of Marshall Islands, Employing Integrated Approaches (RMI R2R)3,927,981
Renewable energy and water treatment: a means to progress on SDG14 491,000
Replantar areas de manglar y de vegetacin costera en la Isla de Utila5,000
Research and Capacity Development supporting SDG 14 and sustainable fishing harvest and Blue Growth in SIDS1,500,000
Research and capacity development to support livelihood and food security and safety in African Coastal Communities1,500,000
Research for the Inventory, Monitoring and Conservation of the Peruvian Marine Biodiversity90,000
Research program on acidification900,000
Restauracin ecolgica de poblaciones de coral Jardinera de corales43,200
Restaurar manglares en la Isla de Utila20,000
Restoration of 100 coral colonies through in situ coral nurseries in the blue bay lagoon, Mauritius (supported by GEF SGP & Implemented by UNDP)50,000
Restoration of stone reef in Danish waters1,256,205
Restoration of the Mexican Pacific coral reefs using natural remediation techniques80,000
Restoring marine ecosystem services by rehabilitating coral reefs to meet a changing climate future4,900,000
Return Trees for Mountain and Mangroves, Return Seagrasses for Dugongs Project, supported by GEF SGP implemented by UNDP1,223
Saafu Raajje - Clean Environmental Management3,500,000
Safeguard marine and coastal biodiversity in Cabo Verde from current and emerging threats, by enhancing the enabling and regulatory frameworks in the tourism sector and activating a critical further subset of the national protected areas system.13,711,831
Sanctuary at Roche Caiman: Protection of urban mangrove wetland350,000
Sauvegarde des tortues marines de locan Atlantique et de leurs habitats le long du littoral du Bnin12,000
Save Ocean from Pollutions 20,000
Save Ocean from Pollutions 2,500
Save Our Mangroves Now!2,417,000
Save Our Mangroves Now!269,000
Saving The Great South Bay100,000
Scaling up the Marine Conservation fund launched on October 2015-Improving marine scientific research and safeguarding marine resources of the Maldives through sustainable harvest 100,000
Science-based Ecosystem, Species, and Biodiversity Protection1,000,000
Scoping Processs: Blue Ocean400,000,000
SCUBA Engagement Applying Submersible Technology to Advance Reef Science1,599,201
SCUBA Engagement Applying Submersible Technology to Advance Reef Science336,652
Se dispone de al menos 3 estudios sobre dinmica pesquera.35,000
Se ha oficializado el Plan de Manejo Pesquero de Caracol en el Caribe Hondureo7,000
Se ha validado el Plan de Manejo para la Pesquera de la Langosta Espinosa del Caribe de Honduras35,000
Se han impartido 12 charlas acerca de la salud arrecifal en Honduras 6,000
Se implementar todos los aos el Plan de Manejo Pesquero del Caracol en el Caribe Hondureo630,000
Se tendr un programa de mantenimiento adecuado para administrar los 3 viveros de coral que se encuentran en la Isla de Roatn12,000
Sea Greens10,000,000
Sea Pact funding support for BC Center for Aquatic Health Sciences Society Sea Lice Project34,753
Sea Pact funding support for Blue Ocean Gear's development of a smart crustacean trap9,804
Sea Pact funding support for Downeast Institute for Applied Marine Research and Education's Maine Softshell Clam Project30,000
Sea Pact funding support for Responsible Aquaculture Foundation (RAF) Global Responsible Aquaculture On-Line Training30,000
Sea Pact funding support for SafetyNet Technologies Pisces LED Light Trials to Improve Fishery Catch Selectivity29,619
Sea Pact funding support for The BC Shrimpers' Association LED Light Use Project25,000
Sea Pact funding support for the University of North Texas (UNT) Probiotics Project29,968
Seabird conservation monitoring & predator removal 50,000
SEAFDEC Initiatives Toward Sustainable Development of Fisheries in ASEAN Region3,000,000
Seafood Slavery Risk Tool, SSRT, Inc.250,000
Seafood Stewardship Index151,000
Seafood Stewardship Index50,000
Seafood Stewardship Index (SSI)920,000
Seafood Supplier Commits to Private Sector-Led Model for Socially Responsible and Sustainable Fisheries Management2,100,000
Seagrass and Mangrove Rehabilitation and the Use of Renewable Energy against Global Warming Project, supported by GEF SGP implemented by UNDP1,645
Securing protection for the oceans giants 170,000
Seychelles blue bond: transitioning to sustainable artisanal fisheries and strengthening value chain benefits through innovative finance and partnerships10,000,000
Seychelles blue bond: transitioning to sustainable artisanal fisheries and strengthening value chain benefits through innovative finance and partnerships15,000,000
Shellfishing WITHOUT litter (Mariscar SEM Lixo): Awareness and beach cleaning voluntary campaing in the Sado estuary, Portugal38,500
SIDS-SIDS Partnership: Sustainable Energy for Blue Island Economies1,000,000
Singapore to become LNG bunker ready port8,600,000
Single-Use (T-shirt) Plastic Bag Ban 37,000
Sistema Ambiental de Coleta de Residuos250,000
Slow Fish - Local Sustianable Fish250,000
Small Island States (SIDS) Blue Guardians: Partnership to Protecting Oceans and Climate-resilient Blue Economies3,000,000
Somalia and Yemen Development Programme (SYDP) on Banking and Artisanal Fisheries60,000
South African Offshore Trawl Bycatch Fishery Conservation Project12,000
South African Offshore Trawl Bycatch Fishery Conservation Project120,000
Southern Ocean Carbon Uptake and Chemical Change2,900,000
Stopping Fish Bombing200,000
Stopping Fish Bombing50,000
Strengthening capacity for international cooperation in the ecosystem-based management of the Antarctic Large Marine Ecosystem. 6,192,694
Strengthening capacity on ocean acidification monitoring, ecosystem resilience, MPA networks in a changing climate, coral reef protection and marine spatial planning.1,718,000
Strengthening Community Participation in the Protection of the Belize Barrier Reef Complex through Capacity Building and Supporting Implementation of Managed Access - GEF funded project20,000
Strengthening Community Participation in the Protection of the Belize Barrier Reef Complex through Capacity Building and Supporting Implementation of Managed Access - GEF SGP and Oak Foundation funded project20,000
Strengthening institutional capacity to enhance governance of the fisheries sector in Africa14,000,000
Strengthening Marine Protected Areas in South-East China to conserve globally significant coastal biodiversity2,652,000
Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines (SMARTSeas PH Project)800,000
Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines (SMARTSeas PH Project)800,000
Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines (SMARTSeas PH Project)800,000
Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines (SMARTSeas PH Project)800,000
Strengthening of the Ethno and ecotourism La Plata Baha Mlaga, (Buenaventura, Colombia)20,000
Strengthening regional cooperation to support implementation of SDG 14447,000
Strengthening Research, Training and Education linkages towards the protection of Jamaicas Marine Resources1,500,000
Strengthening Resilience of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems through the Reduction of Pollution to the Marine Environment3,000,000,000
Strengthening scientific research on ecosystems in the marine waters of Cyprus1,120,000
Strengthening scientific research on ecosystems in the marine waters of Cyprus1,120,000
Strengthening scientific research on ecosystems in the marine waters of Cyprus330,000
Strengthening the Blue Economy by Supporting Research Capacity Development in Seychelles150,000
Strengthening the Blue Economy platform for sustainable development of the blue spaces in Kenya140,000,000
Strengthening the construction of the Chongn Colonche Bio-corridor.14,982
Strengthening the implementation of the IOSEA Marine Turtle MOU Conservation management plan to support the implementation of SGD 14. 945,000
Strengthening the Rio Chone - La Segua - Cordillera del Blsamo estuary Bio-corridor.15,010
Study on the reintroduction of Oyster beds35,735
Support a resilient ocean-based society in SIDS through water access and renewable energy 2,687,000
Support for management of protected areas, including MPAs, in ACP Countries 67,000,000
Support for RFMOs for strengthened governance, science, capacity building and increased compliance 6,710,000
Support for the Nansen-Tutu Center for Environmental Research40,000
Support for the work of the Ocean Alive (Portugal) in the Sado River Estuary25,000
Support marine protected areas and a sustainable, climate resilient, ocean-based economy in Pacific Small Islands Developing States (PSIDS)2,500,000
Support of environmental regulatory measures for Deep Sea Mining: Project 3,000,000
Support scientific research at sea6,000,000
Support Sustainable Coastal Fisheries in Myanmar10,000,000
Support to Ocean Preservation through Advocacy450,000
Support to Ocean preservation through advocacy100,000
Supporting capacity building to minimize the impact of marine acidification in the coastal areas of small island countries in the Pacific5,350,000
Supporting efforts to gather ocean stakeholders and communicate the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)200,000
Supporting implementation of the FAO Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA)1,840,000
Supporting in particular Small Island Developing States to reduce their vulnerability to climate change and building a more resilient ocean economy.110,000,000
Supporting in particular Small Island Developing States to reduce their vulnerability to climate change and building a more resilient ocean economy.26,700,000
Supporting in particular Small Island Developing States to reduce their vulnerability to climate change and building a more resilient ocean economy.8,000,000,000
Supporting in particular Small Island Developing States to reduce their vulnerability to climate change and building a more resilient ocean economy.880,000,000
Supporting small-scale artisanal fishers through training to MSME500,000
Supporting the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification500,000
Sustainable Economic Development of Pacific Islands Fisheries36,000,000
Sustainable Financing of Marae Moana - Cook Islands Marine Park5,000,000
Sustainable management of Santa Luzia Marine Reserva1,250,000
Swedish strategy for global action on the environment, climate, oceans and natural resources 2018-2022.750,000,000
Swedish support to FAO for developing countries implementation of Port State Measures Agreement, the Global Registry and technical consultations for the marking of fishing gear.5,700,000
Tackling ghost gear worldwide: Marking fish aggregating devices and helping local communities in the Pacific112,755
Taking actions towards our ocean through environmental education in Guatemala10,000
Te Tai Nui Atea - Marine Managed Area (5 million km2)8,000,000
Tener una lnea base acerca de la legislacin nacional de cada pas del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano acerca de actividades de restauracin de corales20,000
Thailand makes an effort to protect marine environment from marine debris and land-based pollution7,000,000
Thailand towards sustainable management of marine and coastal habitats11,500,000
Thailands Actions on Combating IUU Fishing25,000,000
The 2nd China Ocean Philanthropy Forum120,000
The Bertarelli Programme in Marine Science12,000,000
The Blue Network - Global Action Network for Blue Growth & Food Security2,000,000
The Blue Network - Global Action Network for Blue Growth & Food Security2,000,000
The complete seizure of discharging treated sewage in the marine environment.35,000,000
The Coral Sonata21,000
The CTC Center for Marine Conservation, a center of excellence in marine conservation, to establish in 2018 as an innovative platform to safeguard the Coral Triangle ecoregion for generations.2,500,000
The Explorers Club Ocean related Grants10,000
The Fisheries Transparency Initiative - Seychelles engagement250,000
The ICRI plan of Action 2016-20181,000,000
The Northern Mozambique Channel Initiative1,000,000
The Peace Boat Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador Programme50,000
The Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonisation and Institutional Reforms (WIO LME SAPPHIRE)8,766,500
The World Team Project: Sustainable Solutions Oceans Opportunities & Small Island States (SOS-IS)500,000,000
To foster greater blue carbon cooperation in the Indian Ocean region355,290
To stimulate public interest in and to encourage conservation of coastal ecosystems through education programs for schools and public and private organizations.25,000
Together for marine wildlife45,000
Tokio Marine's Mangrove-based Value Co-Creation 100-Year Declaration270,000
Towards a fully integrated marine and coastal management in the Mediterranean region417
Towards the global achievement of CBD Aichi Target 11 60,000
Trash Free Waters - International200,000
Tun Mustapha Park - win-win for conservation and people800,000
Tuna from Responsible Fishing900,000
Turtle Excluder Device implementaiton in Malaysia230,000
UN World Oceans Day Portal40,000
Understanding coastal hypoxia and its consequences on benthic-pelagic exchanges, diagenesis and ecosystem functioning431,000
UNU-OCEAN project / Ocean University Initiative400,000
Updating the joint Baltic Sea Action Plan of the cities Helsinki and Turku5,000
Upscaling and Replicating the Initiative FROM RIDGE TO REEF. The integrated conservation program between forest ecosystems, rivers with coastal ecosystems, marine and mangrove in Belitung island (local level) into Indonesian (national level)800,000
Urban Bay: behavioral change100,000
Urban Ocean 550,000
Vankalai bird sanctuary conservation through community based eco-tourism32,245
Voluntary Marine Conservation Areas (VMCAs)200,000
Water Ecologies for our Shared Future11,000
Water Festival Freiburg 1,200,000
Water Smart Foundation 80,000
Watertrek 70,000
Weather and climate services for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries92,000,000
Whale Conservation: Using consumer activation for global tracking and engagement10,000
Whale Watching Handbook54,000
Working through research, conservation projects, campaigns and education to improve the situation for wildlife in the worlds oceans630,000
Working towards plastic free oceans 540,000
Year of the North Sea20,000
Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME)30,277,812
Youth & MSP 36,000
Zero Plastic Rivers360,000
Zoe : Artificial Reef Assessment + Coral Planting24,000
United Nations