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Statement by: Tajikistan
4 Sep 2002
H.E. Mr. Kozidavlat Koimdodov, Deputy Prime Minister




His Excellency Dr. Kozidavlat Koimdodov
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

at the
World Summit on Sustainable Development

Johannesburg, South Africa
04 September 2002

Honourable President,
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Initially allow me to express to the United Nations our highest appreciation for the initiative of organising this Summit.
The historical role of the Summit in Johannesburg, as we understand is to actualise the philosophy of sustainable development which was declared in Rio de Janeiro ten years ago.
We are persuaded that it is necessary to bring the implementation of Agenda XXI on to the practical level, achieve comprehensive realisation of its main goals, to adjust world economic relations with a new realities of XXI century providing sustainable production and customer systems.
As a majority of world countries Republic of Tajikistan takes efforts towards achieving the goals of sustainable development. It is our point of view that the sustainable development is irreversible process of human environment changes, which presupposes balanced natural, social and economical development.
The appraisal of the achievements and main tendentions of sustainable development of Tajikistan are included in the National Report and other appraisal documents and have been submitted to the UN CSD.
After the civil war have occurred during 1992-1993 the significant goals such as an integration of social and natural protective factors have been moved to the second place of the country's economic programme.
Today, after the settlement of the conflict, thanks to the wisdom of National Leader, will of the people of Tajikistan, as well as the assistance of international community Tajikistan actively moves towards socially oriented market economy. We expect form the economic reforms better life conditions.
Tajikistan is interested that in further efforts directed to actualise the provisions of 21 Agenda priority must be given to poverty eradication issues, provision of sustainable energy sector, agriculture, prognosis of natural disasters and eliminate their consequences.
Despite difficulties the Government of Tajikistan consequently carries out social, economic and environment adjustment programmes, targeted to establishing of efficient market economy, health and environment protection, reduction of poverty and technical research potential of the country. The appropriate legislative basis is established to provide development of private business, attraction of investments, support of market institutions. State policy provides all nations of Tajikistan to equally use all rights and freedom.
Tajikistan supporting UN efforts on environmental protection issues after Rio has signed eight UN Conventions. Recently in May 2002 in order to solve poverty problems the Government of Tajikistan has approved the basic document - Poverty Eradication Strategy, which assigned to solve the set of social-economic and environmental issues.
The Government is highly persuaded that poverty is the main reason of creation of many problems- basis of demographic explosion, conducive soil for confrontation among peoples and so on. In this regards it is necessary to strengthen mobilisation of external aid to the development of national economic and human resources.
For the successful solution of these problems in Tajikistan as well as in other developing countries and countries in transition it is recommended to deeply consider the matter of introduction of mechanisms of directing foreign loans for the achievement of sustainable development tasks in accordance with Monterrey Consensus.
Reality requires objective vision to the current processes and we have to recognise that without providing conducive environment we will not be able in nearest future solve creative tasks.
Tajikistan sees the significance of integration processes in solution of established tasks. Central Asia can serve as a sample of states endeavour, jointly decide sub-regional problems on the basis of consensus and understandings. The Head of states have created the sub-regional structures - International Fund for Aral See Saving, which consists of specialised commissions as well as Central Asian Commission on Sustainable Development in the region.
High tenderness of natural ecosystems, dependence of political stability of the social economic development from the environmental issues is the specific feature of CA countries. The Aral See crisis, pollution of transboundary waters, increasing degradation of mountain ecosystems and desertification, still high level of poverty and illness can serve as a good example of above mentioned.
For the solution of these problems within the Central Asian Partnership Initiatives these countries offer development and realisation of «Sub-regional Agenda-21>> and Strategy of integrated management of water resources and transboundary flows.
We would like to emphasise specifically the water resources and hydroenergetic development issues. Water is the main resource of the globe, which is not only the base of ecological balance but it is basis of economical prosperity. As you know HE Mr. Emomali Rahmonov, the President of Tajikistan initiated to declare 2003 the Year of fresh water, which is approved by the UN General Assembly.
Thanks to the wide range of rivers Tajikistan has got huge hydroenergetical resources, the total amount of which is more than 500 billion KWh per year. However these resources currently are used only for 3-5 %. In this condition it is much rational to direct efforts for joint reclamation of hydroresourses in CA region, by so doing we could release mineral fuel in industry in order to use it much efficiency and reduce load to the environment and significantly affect poverty level.
Tajikistan like other CA countries has got certain experience of solution of social and natural protection issues in co-operation with many international organisations. We hope that our cooperation with WB, GEF, ADB, EBRD, EU, UNDP, UNEP and other international institutions will continue in establishing of capacity of sustainable development, actualisation of poverty eradication programs, accession to fresh water and so on. It is time now to develop efficient institutional structure of sustainable development on international, regional and national levels.
Significant differences in social economic development of countries predetermine different approaches in our efforts to protect nature. From our point of view it does not mean that world community not responsible for economic prosperity in the Earth.
We hope that Summit in Johannesburg will result in forming of new real consensus and such an international partnership that could provide conditions for all to contribute as much as they can in sustainable development.
I would like to express ones again my sincere thanks to the Organisers of the Summit, to the Government and people of SA for warm hospitality and providing us with comfortable conditions during the Summit.
We are confident that only through joint efforts of all UN member - countries, we will be able to achieve the goals on SD and environment protection.
Thanks for your attention!

United Nations