HLPF 2 - Moderated Dialogue “Means of implementation for sustainable development” - Original - June 30, 2014
Moderated dialogue: “Means of implementation for sustainable development”
His Excellency Martin Sajdik (Austria), President of the Economic and Social Council
Mr. Raymond Saner, Professor in Organization and International Management, University of Basle, Switzerland, and member of faculty, Sciences Po, Paris
Mr. Mansur Muhtar, Co-Chair of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing
Mr. Claudio Rojas Rachel, Director for the Economic and Development Unit, Directorate-General for Multilateral and Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile
Mr. Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investor
Lead discussant
Ms. Louise Kantrow, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, International Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of the major group of business and industry
Interactive discussion
High-level Political Forum 2014;