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Water Smart Parks
Description/achievement of initiative

The City of Stirling has prepared a Water Smart Parks strategy. This initiative aims at water conservation and identifies priority parks for: Ecozoning and hydrozoning, irrigation system retrofits, soil moisture probes and connecting to a centralised irrigation system.
Source: The ICLEI Case Study series

The irrigation of parks, gardens and playing fields represents the largest use of water by local governments in Western Australia, constituting in most cases, over half a local government's water consumption. The City of Stirling has prepared a Water Smart Parks strategy which identifi es priority parks for water conservation initiatives such as: Ecozoning and hydrozoning, irrigation system retrofits, soil moisture probes and connecting to a centralised irrigation system.

Implementation methodologies

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Progress reports
Goal 8

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2007
Contact information
United Nations