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Description/achievement of initiative

UNEP Live (www.unep.org/uneplive) is a common knowledge infrastructure, built on advances in technology, to connect individual efforts with collective intelligence and understanding (within and outside the United Nations) to share authoritative environment and other data and knowledge. UNEP Live services include:-Support to integrated environmental assessment processes by making accessible global, regional and national data and knowledge flows (http://uneplive.unep.org/region/index/59#). These are available as real-time maps (eg sea level rise); indicators that can be compared and charted, scientific reports and regional and national knowledge assets, multi-media content, web intelligence and SDG-MEA synergies. Each SIDS country has a country page on UNEP Live. Knowledge, ideas, discussions between stakeholders are shared via a SIDS Community of Practice portal on UNEP Live. (http://uneplive.unep.org/region/index/59#)-Provision of capacity development through the design and deployment of technology such as the Indicator Reporting Information System (IRIS) that can deliver data and indicator support to help countries with national SoE reporting as well as reporting to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and on SDGs. The IRIS will help countries share/export data for reporting or further analysis and transform it into actionable indicators using custom visualizations and reporting interfaces. Countries can build State of Environment (SoE) reports online using the latest available data at the national level to produce reports collaboratively between ministries and agencies. (http://uneplive.unep.org/region/index/59#)-Development of the UNEP Live SDG Synergies portal which provides an effective way to: i) retrieve relevant indicator-level data, ii) track a country’s progress in reporting on data, iii) show relationships between SDG and MEA-related data, iv) access the common underlying language (ontologies) used for indicators so that comparisons on knowledge and data can be made from different users; v) make linkages and related data available through dynamic visualizations for easy accessibility. This kind of information could be highly valuable to decision makers and can support efforts to increase data and knowledge literacy.(http://uneplive.unep.org/portal)-A Web Intelligence portal that analyzes relevant individual and public opinion trends on air quality, biodiversity water and climate change from news channels, social media, online publications, global companies, environmental organizations, partners and stakeholders. The technology aligns and compares environmental indicators from structured sources with relevant documents and postings from these online sources. This analyses of stakeholder opinions and trends in the public discourse is computed in real time and in multiple languages using advanced visualizations. The collected information is important for obtaining a comprehensive and authentic reflection of current opinion on issues such as climate change.(http://uneplive.unep.org/global/index#web_intelligence)

Implementation methodologies

Bi-lateral engagement with SIDS countries.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

UNEP Live has enabled the design and development of an Indicator Reporting Information System to assist countries transform data into actionable indicators and to meet their reporting obligations to MEAs and on SDGs using the latest available data at the national. IRIS can also facilitate the sharing of data between Ministries and agencies. UNEP Live makes accessible an SDG Synergies portal that shows linkages between SDG goals and indicators and the synergies in data collection and reporting.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

On-line collaboration; open access to data and knowledge; data managed at source.


UNEP, Global, regional and national data providers
Progress reports
Goal 17
GEO-SIDS Assessment report
2014 (September)
1. Support SoE and other reporting
Further development of UNEP Live to make available further data and knowledge resources and SDG indicator level data
2. Share data and knowledge
Staff / Technical expertise
UNEP staff - technology support, capacity building
Staff / Technical expertise
UNEP to provide tools and technical support

Basic information
Time-frame: 2014-02-01 - on-going
UNEP, Global, regional and national data providers
Contact information
Jacqueline McGlade and Neeyati Patel, UNEP Chief Scientist and UNEP Live project manager, uneplive@unep.org
United Nations