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Rio+20 Major Groups/Civil society Capacity building workshop
19 Mar 2012
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
North Lawn Building, NLB room E, New York, UNHQ
Objective: Bringing stakeholders up to speed on the UNCSD/Rio plus 20 process and content

Topics of the day:

- The formalities of the Rio20 process:
Process, logistics, deadlines, structure? what are the relevant items for major groups/civil society?
- The content of the Rio20 process:
What does the political picture relating to Rio plus 20 look like now? Which patterns have emerged ? if any ? from the contributions of governments to sections III, IV and V?
- What patterns have emerged from the contributions of civil society to sections III, IV and V?
- What happened at the UNEP GC to affect Rio 20?
- Where is the policy discussion on the two major themes of the Rio 20 conference ? ?the Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication? and ?the International Framework on Sustainable Development? [IFSD]?
- What is the political dynamic on the Green Economy and IFSD?
- Can the messages of Rio mobilize and motivate the global public?
United Nations