Expert Group Meeting on Strategies to Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls through the Gender-responsive Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
This event provided an opportunity for Member States, UN entities, civil society organizations and other stakeholders to discuss ways and means for the effective implementation of SDG 5, particularly how to harness the synergies and address any trade-offs in the integrated and interlinked implementation of the SDGs. The key recommendations emanating from the meeting are expected to contribute to the HLPF in its role to provide political leadership, guidance and recommendations for follow-up to the 2030 Agenda.
The first day focused on accelerating the effective implementation of SDG 5 and its targets and gave consideration to concrete steps and measures in regards to each of the targets under SDG 5, including the means of implementation. Participants presented good practices and lessons learned in implementing SDG 5 at the national level as well as address existing and emerging gaps and challenges in implementation.
The second day focused on capitalizing on the interlinkages between SDG 5 and other SDGS, including those with gender-sensitive targets. Participants presented good practices and lessons learned in implementing the SDGs in an integrated and gender-responsive manner at the national level. They demonstrated how measures for advancing other SDGs can be designed to accelerate progress on SDG 5.
Additional information
Where women and girls stand against select SDG targets. Click here for more infographics.
Making the SDGs count for women and girls with disabilities