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Workshop 3 and 4 on Development, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies
30 May 2013 - 31 May 2013
Conference room CR3 (Temporary North Lawn Building), New York
Workshop 3:

Capacity building to enhance the development, adoption and use of clean and environmentally sound technologies in developing countries

This Workshop will seek to identity what are the most promising opportunities offered by existing international institutions and programs to facilitate research and development cooperation, as well as more rapid and widespread global transfer and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies. It will offer perspectives on how information, capacity or other gaps can be addressed and how existing international arrangements can be further enhanced to foster technology cooperation and transfer. In this Workshop there will be a particular focus on addressing intellectual property protection issues in relation to clean and environmentally sound technology development and transfer, and enhancing developing countries' capacities in this regard. The Workshop will provide an opportunity to experts from relevant international organisations to present their activities in the area of capacity building.

Workshop 4:

The way forward: Strengthening the international architecture for clean and environmentally sound technology development, transfer and dissemination

Themes to be addressed in the final Workshop include:
a) Enhancing coherence among existing international structures, institutions, mechanisms to support environmentally sound technology development, transfer and dissemination, identifying gaps and options for addressing them;
b) Options for a technology facilitation mechanism;
c) Strengthening developing countries' participation in international research networks;
d) Meeting the specific technology development needs of developing countries; addressing barriers and constraints to technology transfer and diffusion of clean and environmentally sound technologies;
e) Enhancing North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation.
Statements & Presentations

Number of statements/presentations: 25

Opening Session
H.E. Dr. Abdul Momen
Permanent Represenative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, Acting President of the General Assembly
Mr. Ambuj Sagar - Setting the Stage Presentation
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Dr. Alexandra Mallett, Carleton University, Ottawa
International Technology Collaboration and Low Carbon Innovation: Recasting “Truisms” with insights from emerging economies
Dr. Altay Altýnörs, Permanent Representation of Turkey to the UN
The way forward: Strengthening the international architecture for clean and environmentally sound technology development, transfer and dissemination
Dr. Louise Kantrow Permanent Representative of the ICC to the UN
The way forward: Strengthening the international architecture for clean and environmentally sound technology development, transfer and dissemination
Conference Room 3, TNLB, UN HQ, New York City, 31 May 2013, 10.00 – 18.00
Dr. Raul Cuero, International Park of Creativity, Bogota
H.E. Mr. Erik Laursen
Deputy Permanent Representative of Denmark
Mr. Ahmed Abdel Latif, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
Intellectual property rights and clean energy technologies
Ms. Lidia Brito, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
UNESCO perspective and actions on  Capacity Building  for the development, adoption and use of environmentally   sound technologies in developing  countries
Ms. Lucinda Longcroft, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Capacity building to enhance the development, adoption and use of clean and environmentally sound technologies in developing countries
Prof. Carlos Correa, University of Buenos Aires
Why intellectual property can be a barrier to TT
Prof. Kelly Sims Gallagher, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
The Global Diffusion of Clean Energy Technologies: Lessons from China
Closing Session
Concluding Remarks by H.E. Dr. Abdul Momen
Permanent Represenative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, Acting President of the General Assembly
United Nations