Thematic review: Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world: Multi-stakeholder perspectives
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Conference Room 4, UNHQ
Official meeting
Major groups and other stakeholder (MGoS) are crucial to the successful implementation, follow-up, and review of the 2030 Agenda. In preparation for the 2017 HLPF, MGoS contributed to review processes at all levels, including at the Regional Forums for Sustainable Development (RFSDs) and through national review mechanisms.
In line with paragraph 89 of the 2030 Agenda (A/RES/70/1) and paragraphs 14 and 15 of General Assembly Resolution 67/290 (A/RES/67/290), this session offers MGoS an opportunity to “report on their contribution to the implementation of the Agenda” and speak to the topics of the HLPF.
The session will be organised in collaboration with the HLPF Coordination Mechanism of MGoS and it will focus on the recommendations of MGoS around the implementation, follow-up, and review of the 2030 Agenda, with a particular emphasis on the theme of the 2017 HLPF and the specific goals being reviewed. It will also survey the contributions of MGoS themselves to the overall successful implementation of the agenda, especially at the national level and during ongoing national review processes.
Proposed guiding questions:
- How has the engagement of MGoS shaped the processes to review the 2030 Agenda and helped fill implementation gaps?
- What are some concrete actions taken by major groups and other stakeholders around the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs?
- How can implementation efforts by MGoS be included in the overall reporting on progress made on the 2030 Agenda?
Presiding Officer:
- H.E. Mr. Juergen Schulz, Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations,
Vice-president of Economic and Social Council
Opening Remarks:
- Ms. Luisa Emilia Reyes Zuñiga, Co-Chair of the Major Groups and other Stakeholders HLPF Coordination Mechanism
Keynote Speech:
- H.E. Amina J. Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General
15:13 - 16:28 Segment I - Major groups and other stakeholders: challenges and pathways to eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world
- Ms. Maruxa Cardama, Cities Alliance
Speakers (3-5 min):
- Mr. Wellington Chibebe, Deputy General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation, Workers and Trade Unions Major Group
- Ms. Sehnaz Kiymaz, President, Women for Women’s Human Rights - New Ways, Women’s Major Group
- Member States Respondent
- Ms. Louise Kantrow, Permanent Representative to the UN, International Chamber of Commerce, Business and Industry Major Group
- Mr. Luis Miguel Etchevehere, President, Sociedad Rural Argentina, Farmers Major Group
- Ms. Verity McGivern, HelpAge International, Stakeholder Group on Ageing
- Member States Respondent
- Mr. Jose Maria Viera, International Disability Alliance, Persons with Disabilities
- Mr. Roberto Bissio, Social Watch, Financing for Development Civil Society Group
- Ms. Katarina Popovic, Secretary General, International Council for Adult Education, Education and Academia Stakeholder Group
Interactive discussion (25 mins)
16:33 - 17:45 - Segment II - Leaving no one behind: Ensuring an enabling environment for effective MGoS implementation and monitoring of the SDGs
- Ms. Naiara Costa, Together 2030
Speakers (3-5 min):
- Mr. Saul Zenteno Bueno, President, Fundación Manatí para el Fomento de la Ciudadanía, UN Major Group for Children and Youth
- Ms. Rosalea Hamilton, Founder and President, Institute for Law and Economics; Vice President of Community Service & Development and Professor, University of Technology, Jamaica; NGO Major Group
- Mr. James O'Brien, Volunteer Groups
- Member States Respondent
- Mr. Jan Van Zanen, Mayor of Utrecht, and President of VNG, the Association of Dutch Municipalities, Local Authorities Major Group
- Mr. John Patrick Ngoyi, World Vision, on behalf of Together 2030
- Mr. Keikabile Mogodio, Indigenous Peoples Major Group
- Member States Respondent
Interactive discussion (25 mins)
17:45 - 18:00 - Closing remarks
- Representative of MGoS (tbc)