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Prosperity in Action: Results from the Sustainable Development Goals Fund
Monday, 10 July 2017
6:15 PM - 7:30 PM
Conference Room E, UNHQ

Side Event


Paloma Duran, Director, SDG Fund, introduced the Fund and its approach, noting that over 20 countries are engaged in SDG Fund projects. She highlighted that the Fund requires projects to involve matching funds and countries must have stakeholder committees, both of which ensure that there is local ownership of projects. She noted that the SDG Fund works on two tracks – implementation in the field and engagement of people who do not usually work with the UN, such as private sector and academia representatives. Duran also called attention to an upcoming launch of the second round of proposals and the Fund’s online library[SDG Library] for reports related to the SDGs.

Maria Noel Vaeza, Director, Program Division, UN Women, discussed the role of women in economic empowerment, which she emphasized is a precondition for many goals. She noted that every goal includes opportunities to underline the role of women in implementing that goal. She said the SDG Fund’s requirement for matching funds ensures local engagement, and described efforts to accelerate the empowerment of women farmers and pastoralists.

Ambassador Modest Mero, Permanent Representative to the UN, Tanzania, discussed examples of projects in his country, including sanitation, infrastructure and education. He noted that roads open access to markets. Mero also reported that his country has achieved the goal of 100% primary school attendance.

Antonio Parenti, Minister Counsellor, Head of Section Economics, Trade, Development, Delegation of the EU to the UN, said the EU is the fourth largest donor in the world, and some of this funding is directed through agencies such as the SDG Fund. He highlighted the Fund’s concrete approach with trackable results and involvement of the private sector.

Vinicius Carvalho Pinheiro, Special Representative to the UN and Director, International Labour Organization (ILO), noted that the leaders of labor, who are the ILO’s traditional constituents, are not the creators of jobs. Therefore, he said the ILO has undertaken efforts to work with other actors. He said the SDG’s inclusive growth concept requires an approach that is outside the ILO’s usual area of focus, and highlighted that, by connecting with other institutions, the ILO has enhanced its impact.

Sahara Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Tonye Cole, discussed his work as a member of the SDG Fund’s global private sector advisory group, and emphasized the importance of closing the trust gap with the private sector and building partnerships.
United Nations