How can the private sector support Universal Health Coverage to help deliver on the promise to leave no one behind?
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Conference Room D
Side Event
Investing in equitable progress towards UHC and, as a result, “ensuring that all people obtain the health services they need, of good quality, without suffering financial hardship when paying for them”, will save lives. It will improve health status, increase productivity and contribute to economic growth and stronger household resilience – all of which will be crucial if we are to deliver on the promise to leave no one behind.
Sustainable Development Goal, Target 3.8 is: Achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services, and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable medicines for all.
The partnership between GSK and Save the Children aims to help save 1 million children’s lives. An important component of this partnership is exploring how the combined voices of GSK and Save the Children can advocate on the importance of UHC to ensure it stays high on the political agenda and appropriate policies are pursued. GSK, a world-leading healthcare and pharmaceutical company, is fully committed to realising the goal of UHC through a process that engages industry, governments and civil society to expand patient access to medicines and services.
The fact that the private sector, in particular healthcare and pharmaceutical companies, can play a role in supporting and delivering UHC is often expressed but rarely examined at a practical level. The exact role that the private sector can play is still unclear and how it can go beyond health projects to championing government-led UHC. All stakeholders – industry, government, insurance and civil society – must work together to understand the role that they must play in delivering UHC. For many, this will be a significant change in business as usual.
This timely event will bring these stakeholders together for an open and inclusive discussion of the current barriers to progress in UHC and how the private sector can work with others to overcome them.
Format: A 60 minute moderated panel discussion. GSK and Save the Children would present their position for the panel members to respond to. The Moderator would then start the debate with some pre-prepared questions, and then open the floor to others to comment as well as to pose questions of their own.
GlaxoSmithKline Save The Children