Putting the Sustainable Development Goals into Action with poverty, environment and climate at the centre
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
1:15 PM - 1:30 PM
Conference Room 1
Side Event
This side event will share country experience of how to implement the SDGs to achieve zero extreme poverty, zero net greenhouse emissions and zero net loss of natural capital (“Getting to Zero”). This will bring together experiences of countries in Global South and North on how to leave no one behind while taking into account environmental sustainability and climate resilience. The session focuses on empowerment, institutional and finance reforms, new metrics and the launch of this policy framework in a new report by the Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP) on “Getting to Zero”.
· To learn from southern partners, including countries from Asia and Africa on putting SDGs into action with poverty, environment and climate at the centre, building on the recommendations of the “Getting to Zero” joint paper.
· To develop south-south and south-north partnerships for SDG implementation while keeping poverty, environment and climate at the centre drawing from the support provided by the Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP) and its members.
Contribution to the HLFP
· The side event will demonstrate how the linkages between poverty, environment and climate all need to be addressed to ensure that “No One is Left Behind”, and showcase selected country examples in this respect.
Government of Finland, Government of Bangladesh and Government of Indonesia (Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance); Government of Nepal (Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development)
International Institute for Environment; WWF International; Development Alternatives; Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS); The Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) and OECD/DAC/ENVIRONET
13:15-14:00 Panel Discussion
14:00-14:30 Q&A with panellists
Andrew Norton, Director, International Institute for Environment and Development
H.E. Ambassador Masud Bin Momen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN
Karma S Tshosar, Chief, Social and Humanitarian Division, Department of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foregin Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan
Nik Sekhran, Director/Chief of Profession - Sustainable Development, UNDP (speaking on behalf of UNDP-UNEP PEI)
Matti Nummelin, Senior Environmental Adviser, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Chair, OECD/DAC/ENVIRONET
Senior government representative from Mozambique Ministry of Foreign Affairs (TBC)
Focal Points:
Paul Steele, PEP Coordinator and Chief Economist, International Institute for Environment and Development
Matti Nummelin, Senior Environmental Adviser, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland