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December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
This thematic review session will evaluate progress and challenges in empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality in the world’s least developed countries (LDCs) and landlocked developing countries (LLDCs). Those remain among the most vulnerable countries in the world and include some of the world’s most vulnerable populations at risk of being left behind.
Numerous LDCs and LLDCs are in conflict or post-conflict situations. Many people in LDCs and LLDCs are disempowered by poverty and the lack of access to basic services. Theydo not benefit from economic growth. Many governments lack the resources and capacity to empower and mobilize them, due to both domestic limitations and international factors. High annual population growth rates in LDCs present challenges for enrolment in higher education, and in training a skilled workforce. Climate change and the risks associated to it have put additional pressures on households and government resources in LDCs and LLDCs.
Empowering LDCs and LLDCs is important for the international community in the collective effort to achieve the SDGs.
The per capita income of LDCs remains equivalent to two per cent of the per capita income of OECD members. Measures in place to support these countries are often insufficient: few donor countries fulfil the commitment of dedicating 0.15 to 0.2 per cent of their official development assistance (ODA) to developing countries. More must be done to address the persistent gaps and inequalities that are holding back those countries, and to reach those who are furthest behind.
Both groups of countries are often marginalized in global decision-making processes and are unable to fully benefit from economic globalization. Many LDCs are also LLDCs. This adds to their challenges the specific trade and development challenges faced by LLDCs arising from the lack of territorial access to the sea and geographical remoteness from international markets.
The fifth UN Conference on LDCs, in 2021, will review the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action for LDCs. The Mid Term review of the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Land Locked Developing Countries will take place on 5 and 6 December 2019.
This session will have a roundtable format.
Background note is available here
Proposed guiding questions:
What are the greatest challenges to inclusiveness and equality in LDCs and how can they be addressed?
What needs to change in international rules and institutions to effectively support LDCs and LLDCs and achieve greater levels of inclusion and equality?
H. E. Ms. Mona Juul, Vice President of ECOSOC
Ms. Hope Muli, Regional Project Manager, Opening Contracting, Hivos
Resource persons:
Mr. Jerry Tardieu, Congressman, Petion-Ville, Haiti
Mr. Saad Alfarargi, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to development
Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu, UN High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
Mr. Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva, Oxfam (Executive Director of Oxfam Mexico)
Lead discussants:
H.E. Ms. Doma Tshering, Permanent Representative of Bhutan to the UN, and co-facilitator of political declaration of the midterm review of the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) for LLDCs
Mr. Richard Ssewakiryanga, Co-Chair for the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, and immediate past Presiding Officer of the African Union – Economic and Social Cultural Council (MGoS)
Followed by interactive discussion