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UN DESA, together with the European Union, the Permanent Mission to the UN of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the International Renewable Energy Agency hosted a high-level side event on ‘Scaling up climate action through clean energy transitions: Delivering on the Paris Agreement and the SDGs’, on 16 July 2019 in New York.
The event looked into ways to scale up climate action through accelerating clean energy transitions to simultaneously deliver on the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement in 2015 established a strong foundation for coherent implementation of climate action and sustainable development objectives across all levels and sectors. The multiple inter-linkages between the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement indicate that integrated and synergistic implementation of both would lead to many benefits. Such an approach would considerably enhance effectiveness and the quality of outcomes, besides contributing towards more efficient use of resources, greater coherence across sectors and actors, and the formation of novel partnerships.
The event was opened by Elliott Harris, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development and Chief Economist, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and featured keynote remarks by Sileshi Bekele, Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation & Development, European Commission, Francesco La Camera, Director General, International Renewable Energy Agency, Roula Majdalani, Director, Sustainable Development Policies Division, UNESCWA, and closing remarks by Alexander Trepelkov, Officer-in-Charge, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
Organizers: Mission of Ethiopia to the UN, EU, IRENA, ESCWA, UNDESA