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Water as the Economic Driver: a transformative pathway towards jobs, decent work, and an inclusive economy
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Virtual (New York time)
Side Event
Stockholm International Water Institute co-organized with Tajikistan, Norway, and South Africa, , Women for Water Partnership.
Water accelerates action across the whole SDG agenda because of its interconnections with health, energy, climate, biodiversity, infrastructure, urban planning, digitalisation, food, tourism, industries, transport, and trade, and as such, can transform the global economy. Globally, more than 3 out of 4 jobs (WWDR 2016) depend on the supply of sufficient water. This event will highlight how enhancing economic benefits and bolstering local action through sustainable water management goes hand in hand with valuing water as a crucial economic engine. A resilient approach to water management will accelerate progress towards a sustainable and inclusive economy that leaves no one behind.