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Learning from COVID-19 to accelerate action for a more inclusive decade of SDG delivery
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Virtual (New York time)
Side Event
Stakeholder Group on Ageing with Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities and UN DESA
COVID-19 has exposed and deepened inequalities, discrimination, ageism and shown the inadequacy of systems, programmes and policy actions to safeguard the wellbeing and dignity of older persons and persons with disabilities. The pandemic has increased the visibility of those most at risk and reinforced the need for inclusive public policies that address the rights of people of all ages, in line with the SDGs commitment to ‘leave no one behind’. This event will look at the COVID-19 experience to identify learnings and opportunities to build a more inclusive world and accelerate action for achieving the SDG for all.