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How to strengthen the partnership between the government and civil society to accelerate the implementation of SDG16/17 in the corona context?
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Virtual (New York time)
Link to website

Side Event

Main Organizer: Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation(KCOC)

Co-organizers: Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC), Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs

This side event will provide key lessons learned from implementing SDG 16 and 17 by Korean and Japanese civil society as well as policies by both governments through the responses to COVID-19. The side event also aims to explore how civil society in Korea and Japan responded to COVID-19, while acknowledging existing challenges on SDGs, such as education for all, gender equality, and promoting democratic governance. Examining on each government’s responses in light of SDG Target 16.3 (rule of law), Target 16.6 (effective institutions), and Target 16.7 (decision-making) and Target 16.10 (access to information), which are mainly on domestic issues, the session will also consider international partnerships according to Target 17.2 (ODA) and 17.17 (effective partnership). Then, this side event will discuss how effectively CSOs and Government partnership can lead to achieving “no one will be left behind”

United Nations