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Delivering a whole of society approach to an accelerated Decade of Action: Enabling strong civil society engagement in the Voluntary National Reviews and the wider SDG follow up and review process
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Virtual (New York time)
Side Event
Action for Sustainable Development with Government of Switzerland, Government of Uganda (TBC), Government of Kenya (TBC), Government of Malawi (TBC), Government of Kyrgyzstan (TBC) SDG’s Kenya Forum, Nepal NGO Forum, SLOGA - Slovenian Global Action, Forus, Civil Society Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), SDG Watch Europe, Futuro en Comun (Spain), NYT Europa, Plattform Agenda 2030 (Switzerland), GCAP Russia, Open School for Sustainable Development (Openshkola), Bond, Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan, European Environmental Bureau
The event will consider best practice for CSO engagement in the follow up and review process and will share key experience in engagement of community groups from the national, regional to the global level. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of putting in place genuinely inclusive processes, including interactive digital engagement.
Opening: Government of Switzerland & Richard Ssewakirianga, Uganda NGO Forum & CPDE co-chair Experience of 2020 VNR consultations: Governments of Kenya (TBC), Uganda (TBC) & Kyrgyzstan (TBC) Experience of CSO engagement: UNECE region, Nurgul Djanaeva; Kenya SDGs Forum; Nepal National NGO Forum; Slovenia (SLOGA)