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SDG16 in Iraq: Leaving no one Behind
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Virtual (NY Time)
Side Event
The Permanent Mission of Iraq to the UN with the United Nations Development Programme
Within the challenging context in Iraq, and the commitment of the GOI to implement SDG16, it is particularly important to get a better understanding of what intensive public consultation and engagement with all stakeholders in SDG and 2030 vision means in the Iraqi context. The consultations would reflect on the barriers to- and opportunities for- greater participation and empowerment of Iraqi citizens, particularly women, youth, and those in vulnerable situations, and what are the additional programs needed to make Iraq’s governance structures more inclusive to meet current and future challenges towards achieving the SDGs. The consultations would further define the sustainable development pathways, especially within the SDG16 (target 16.4) in accordance with Iraq national legislations and national priorities. A wider space for local communities, to actively engage in sustainable development is a potential support for the central and local governments to build a resilient, sustainable development pathway for the future of the country.