December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
As we witness rising inequality (SDG 10) and poverty (SDG 1) the world over SDG 16+ is very much needed to build back better. SDG 16’s focus on improving responsive and accountable governance, strengthening institutions, protecting fundamental freedoms and enabling civic space at all levels is critical to implementing the 2030 Agenda as a whole. Additionally, as 2021, 2022 and 2023 HLPF themes will focus on response, recovery, and resilience from the COVID-19 crisis, SDG 16+ must lie at the heart of the discussion and governments’ efforts to rebuild following the pandemic.
SDG16+ provides a united framework on how countries can tackle rising inequality (SDG 10), ensure just climate transition (SDG13), provide decent work and fair economic growth (SDG 8), and provide peaceful, just and inclusive societies for all (SDG16) - all goals currently under review. It is also in line with the current HLPF theme by focusing on resilient recovery and the Secretary General’s Call to Action for Human Rights - with SDG 16+ at the heart of key policy discussions and global efforts.
Especially in this context, it has become abundantly clear that effective, accountable governance is a fundamental pre-requisite for building back better. SDG16’s focus on improving responsive and accountable governance and strengthening institutions at all levels is critical to implementing the 2030 Agenda as a whole.
As members of the Global SDG16+ Coalition, at the HLPF 2019, we called for bolder and accelerated action on SDG16+. Our call is even more dire now - to make SDG16+ the foundation for reset and recovery efforts, and for building more resilient societies and institutions going forward. Given the centrality of action on SDG16+ for sustainable and resilient recovery from the pandemic, we are calling on member state to review SDG 16 yearly in order to track progress and to avoid backsliding during this 2021 HLPF side event.
The session objectives are:
Building on SDG16+
Join us for an HLPF2021 Side-Event organized by the Global SDG16+ Coalition and spearheaded by CSPPS, the Global Alliance, 16+ Forum, TAP Network, and the Pathfinders, in partnership with Sierra Leone Permanent Mission to the UN, and supported by a growing coalition of SDG 16+ Champions -- Please note that the side-event is taking place as a virtual webinar.