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Street Library Ghana
Information on the purpose of your organization

We respond to literacy needs of communities by leveraging on education and culturally appropriate resources. We strive for inclusiveness of marginalized population including girls to have access to education.
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
Our programs are fluid and respond to critical needs of young people- EDUCATION. We do this across three countries- Ghana, Liberia and Cameroon. We operate in 6 out of 10 regions of Ghana. We are in Monrovia and Painville in Liberia and Yaounde in Cameroon.

Whilst we aim for economic independence and prosperity among our target population, we believe education provide a path for this actualization. We tackle inequality in educational access. In Ghana, the poor and rural population have few access to library and education resources, we run Mobile Libraries to reach these vulnerable population. We run three main programs under which several projects are carried out. These include


Under this we run

1. Mobile Library Van- We launched the first E-Library on Wheels in West Africa bring ICT and Library book access on van to rural communities

2. Book Chest- Selection of appropriate books for schools to run reading sessions

3. Reaching Hubs- A Kiosk like structure in communities for easy access to books


We run mentoring programs for young girls and pair them up with successful Professionals in graduate school.


Leveraging on Information Communication technology to connect children to relevant resources while enabling them to creator of technology and not only consumers.
Information on activities at the national or international levels
Our education library service run across three countries- Ghana, Liberia and Cameroon. We operate in 6 out of 10 regions of Ghana. We are in Monrovia and Painville in Liberia and Yaounde in Cameroon.
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
YES - 2014SLGSocialImpactReport2.pdf
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
Daniel Anarfi, Ghana
Akua Pokuaa Essah Koli, Ghana
Joshua Mensah, Ghana
Bianca Adwoa Osei-Sarfo, Ghana
Hayford Siaw, Ghana
Portia Siaw, Ghana
Samuel Boateng, Ghana
Patricia Boateng, Ghana
Susan Mbi , Cameroon
Obafemi Banigbe, Nigeria
John Schneider, USA,
Sophie Morley, UK
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations