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Construisons Ensemble Le Monde
Information on the purpose of your organization

-To Advise people on HIV / AIDS and their families;
-The Training of individuals, communities, community organizations and other organizations to build capacity in HIV / AIDS;
-The Social support to mitigate the impact of HIV / AIDS on families through support to orphans and Vulnerable Children;
-Have Compassion for individuals and orphans affected by HIV / AIDS and be committed to the fight against HIV / AIDS and its negative impacts on our community;
-Services Free Education Council on HIV / AIDS to prevent the spread against the virus;
-To Facilitate the implantationde new information technologies and especially the internet in urban and rural areas;
-To Facilitate the access of people in general and the disadvantaged to the Internet and ICT;
-Formaliser Collaboration and increase the exchange of human information in the Congo and in the world through education, awareness and contribute to research and the establishment of a society of information on ICT and the Internet fair, equitable and inclusive to fight against the digital divide between rich and poor, North and South;
-To Promote the use and social appropriation of ICTs and the Internet inorder to education, socio - economic development and the entrenchment of democracy;
-To Strengthen the capacities by creating a local network and to the potential of ICT and the Internet accessible to all strata of the population;
-operate for the preservation of the ecosystem and the ecological balance in the Congo;
-Developing Solidarity between Congolese and international solidarity in equality and respect for each people to promote peace toléranceet;
-To Subscribe to the principles governing international organizations that advocate for environmental protection;
To educate, train and raise the level of consciousness of youth and the exploited masses;
-To Recognize and encourage all actions going in the direction of democracy and liberation of the Congolese people, but also denounce all violations of human rights in the Congo;
- To work for the advent of a secular and democratic Congolese society that guarantees equal opportunities and fighting all forms of exclusion, ostracism, tribalism, xenophobia, and other forms of extremism;
-To Ensure transparency in the management of public affairs and fight against all forms of corruption.
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
We conducted advocacy to parliament inorder to increase the budget of key sectors including agriculture, public health, national education and rural development.
Also other projects undertaken are:
-information and awareness of grassroots organizations on agreements and global issues of fight against poverty, inequality and climate change;
-strengthening capacity of grassroots organizations on monitoring and advocacy with political authorities in a national budget.
Information on activities at the national or international levels
Advocacy with political and administrative authorities so that they commit themselves fully in the fight against poverty, inequality and climate change and also to mobilize a greater number of associations to take ownership of the fight against poverty, inequality and change climatique.Comme also an association which has joined the United Nations Global Compact, we are committed to our Line operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles related to human rights, standards labor, environment and the fight against corruption.
The state gets to increase its national budget.
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
01 IKOPI MOLEKO President
02 KITHUMU PETER Vice-president
03 MPUTU IKOPI secrétaire
03 MATOTO MAMBU Tresorière
04 MALONGOLA EBWANGANGA Simon Chargé de Sensibilisation
05 NTOTO PUMUZIKO Chargé de programme
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations