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Alliance for Development [Ghana]
Information on the purpose of your organization

?We envision a world able to meet the needs of current and future generations; a world in which sustainable and long-lasting solutions are at the heart of development planning and implementation in all sectors.?

?In partnership with other stakeholders, we shall develop and implement initiatives, support and promote policies and share relevant knowledge and experiences aimed at the pro-motion and realization of sustainable development at all levels.?
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
Whiles all our four (4) programme areas are related to sustainable development, our fourth programme area is specifically on the Post 2015/SDGs. In this area our activities have included:
1. Participation in the Global Youth Consultation on Development of the Post 2015 Framework; held in Accra.
2. World We Want; online
3. MyWorld Survey; online
4. National Dialogue on the Localization of the Post 2015; held in Accra
5. The UN Major Group on Children and Youth; online
6. CSO Forum on the FfD; Addis Ababa
7. 3rd Fianncing for Development Forum; Addis Ababa
Information on activities at the national or international levels
Global Youth Consultation on Development of the Post 2015 FrameworkEbola Awareness Campaign
Sanitation Advocacy
Climate change Advocacy
National Dialogue on the Localization of the Post 2015;

World We Want; online
MyWorld Survey; online
The UN Major Group on Children and Youth; online
CSO Forum on the FfD; Addis Ababa
3rd Fianncing for Development Forum; Addis Ababa
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
YES - 2014AnnualReport-Final.pdf
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
Ekow Eshun - Ghanaian
Beatrice Feehi Anangfio - Ghanaian
Regina Amegah - Ghanaian
Florence Asare - Ghanaian
Mary Asare-Addo - Ghanaian (currently studying in Germany)
Bernice Avorka - Ghanaian
Laud K. Addo - Ghanaian
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations