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International Forum of National NGOs Platforms
Information on the purpose of your organization

The International Forum of National NGO Platforms (IFP) brings together 62 national platforms from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania and 6 regional coalitions, which together account for more than 22,000 organizations. The IFP was founded at an international conference in Paris in 2008. The members of our global network work together through a shared vision and common values: the defense of human rights, the inclusion of the most vulnerable populations, the fight against inequalities and injustice, as well as the eradication of poverty and sustainable development.
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
The IFP has been working along with the global civil society campaign Beyond 2015. Through our partnership we have been pushing together for a strong and legitimate successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals. The International Forum of National NGO Platforms coordinated the regional and national advocacy activities ensuring inclusive participation and global representation helping to shape the campaign?s international advocacy position at the UN level. The post-2015 September Summit is a unique occasion for our organization to attend to, as it represents the result of years of work and collaboration to achieve the post-2015 outcome document.

The IFP has been actively engaged since the beginning of the Beyond 2015 campaign, therefore the 2014 Annual Report is particularly centered on Post-2015 activities (document only available in French, please advise if a translation is needed).
Information on activities at the national or international levels
The IFP in collaboration with its members, national NGO platforms and regional coalitions developed exercises on Non-Governmental Diplomacy on themes of global interest such as: the reduction of inequalities; water and sanitation, regulation of agricultural markets; conflicts resolution, climate change, financing for development, enabling environment for CSOs. Through these exercises, national platforms have built common positions to present at international high level meetings. More information is available on the following link:
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
YES - ActivitesFIPsurlepost2015.pdf
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
IFP Internal Governance:

National Platforms Council members elected in March 2015 by the General Assembly and in office until 2018:

? CONGAD, Senegal.
? MACOSS, Mauritius.

Latin America:
? ABONG, Brazil.
? ACCION, Chile.
? CONGCOOP, Guatemala.

North America:
? INTERACTION, United States.

? KCOC, South Korea.
? VANI, India.
? NFN, Nepal.

? BOND, United Kingdom.
? KEHYS, Finland.

? PIANGO, Pacific Islands.
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations