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Coordination SUD (Solidarité-Urgence-Développement)
Information on the purpose of your organization

Coordination SUD - Solidarité Urgence Développement - is the national coordination of French international solidarity NGOs. It was founded in 1994, and has over 160 NGOs conducting humanitarian emergency, for development assistance, environmental protection, human rights among disadvantaged populations but also educational activities for international solidarity and advocacy.

Coordination SUD support the professionalization of French NGOs and represents their positions with public and private institutions in France, Europe and worldwide. It develops NGOs capacity building, dissemination of information, advice and training. It manages a Joint Fund co-financing of external expertise on different aspects of the organizational and institutional performance for NGOs. Finally, it hosts thematic working committees composed of its members, mobilized on major issues of international solidarity.
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
Coordination SUD is engaged in the post-2015 campaign - Transition for a just world, led by the Crid and 4D. It is in regular dialogue with French negotiators and is involved in the UNFCCC (COP21), taking place in Paris.

The IFP, International Forum of NGOs national platforms including Coordination SUD (funding member and holds the Executive Secretariat in Paris) is engaged with Beyond 2015 in a common project which aims to strengthen civil society mobilization at local, national, regional and global levels.
Information on activities at the national or international levels
Coordination SUD launched a Post-2015 campaign - Transitions for a just world, which aims to contribute to the reflections of the French Government on four cross-cutting approaches: new indicators of progress, the importance of international migration, financing for sustainable development and the role of the private sector.

The question of indicators brings together many members of Coordination SUD, NGOs, local authorities, trade unions, movements which worked together around the notion of measuring progress and the importance of building shared indicators with the population.

Coordination SUD is also member of European and international associations: GCAP (Global Call to Action against Poverty, Concord (Confederation of European NGOs and emergency development) and the IFP- International Forum of National NGO platforms. Coordination SUD is also an IFP Council member, which is the Forum's governing body along with the General Assembly.
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
Board members of Coordination SUD ? June 2015

Organisation and representatives (France) :

Solidarité Laïque / Philippe Jahshan, président
AVSF / Carline Mainenti
CCFD-Terre solidaire / Bernard Pinaud
CFSI / Anne-Françoise Taisne
CHD / Alain Boinet
Clong ? Volontariat / Fanny Passicos
Cnajep / Sébastien Radisson
Conseil des béninois de France / Eliane Aissi
Crid / Pascale Quivy
Etudiants et développement / Vincent Pradier
Forim / Adeline Mazier
Gevalor / Jocelyne Delarue
GRDR / Arezki Harkouk
Groupe initiatives / Christian Lespinats
Handicap international / Jean-Marc Boivin
Médecins du Monde / Sophie Zaccaria
Oxfam France / Christian Reboul
Plateforme des associations franco-haïtiennes / Mackendie Toupuissant
Secours catholique ? Caritas France / Emilie Johann
Secours islamique France / Rachid Lahlou
SOS Villages d?enfants / Gilles Paillard
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations