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Association for Monitoring Gender Equality
Information on the purpose of your organization

CEID is an outcome of a series of initiatives undertaken since 2010. 6th November 2010 dated meeting at Ankara had witnessed identification of need for structured and sustainable monitoring in Turkey for gender equality and also strong will of women activists and experts involved in CSOs. The meeting finalized with joint decision of women activists to initiate establishment of a body to carry over monitoring works in discussed manner: sustainable, independent, structured and expertise. It was also discussed to initiate an umbrella network, and further discussions revealed lack of legal entity status available for networks. It was agreed for each women activist to be engaged with the established body by themselves to avoid bureaucratic and time/finance burden on CSOs.

CEID has the vision for a monitoring and reporting mechanism/body as follows:
 Monitoring shall not be interpreted as superficial with focusing on quantitative data collection with a top-down approach (e.g. KSGM type of monitoring),
 Monitoring shall contribute improvement of institutions and policies by providing expertise and knowledge carried out from an expert pool composed of activists, academicians, bureaucrats and experts,
 Monitoring shall enhance operation of civil and public agents,
 Monitoring shall initially aim at improving public agents and policies,
 Monitoring shall develop indicators with collective works and mutual knowledge/experience sharing with stakeholders.

CEID is organized for below stated intentions:
? Awareness raising around importance and necessity of independent monitoring on institutions working on gender equality and women?s rights,
? Accommodating and sharing knowledge on concept of monitoring, methods of monitoring, reviewing actual needs and contextual structures,
? Establishing a pool of experts, accommodating expertise, ensuring cooperation and dialogue with WROs nation-wide to determine prioritized areas and techniques on monitoring scope,
? Building capacity of WROs with launching cooperation opportunities, financial and intellectual fundraising for monitoring, to support engagement of WROs to monitoring actions,
? Above all, the main objective is creating/ spreading/sustaining an accurate perception for sustainable, systematic and independent monitoring.
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
The Association, CEID, relies on one of the main functions for these intentions which constitutes strong means as creating a pool of experts and activists from all those studying on women?s issues in Turkey. CEID will benefit from women experts? experience and expertise that are entitled to key roles and responsibilities thus bring together qualified national expertise. This various expertise and experience shall be deployed as CEID is capable with regular engagements. This means will provide CEID to go further than being an umbrella organization; to a level of function as a network for expertise and experience on various issues on gender equality. Thus flow of information will be ensured on gender equality interventions between all stakeholders, and accumulated knowledge which ought to be comprehensive, will enable macro level assessments. Among that, CEID has the membership profile which will enable direct impact of monitoring as can be observed from the attached membership list; CEID is entitled to diverse regional, political and thematic profile of members.

The Turkish civil society organisation CEID, Association for monitoring gender equality, promotes activities on awareness raising about the importance and necessity of independent monitoring on institutions working on gender equality and women?s rights, building capacity of women?s CSOs with launching cooperation opportunities, financial and intellectual fundraising for monitoring. Its founding members have taken part in the Executive Committee for NGO Forum on CEDAW-Turkey, which represents more than 130 women?s CSOs from all over Turkey. They also participated in the ?United Nations Joint Program to Promote and Protect Human Rights of Women and Girls in Turkey?, ?Local Gender Equality Action Plans? and ?Local Service Models? in İzmir, Kars, Nevşehir, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon, Van. CEID organized two meeting in October 2010 and June 2011 to which participated 30 women members of CSOs located in various parts of Turkey and operating in the field. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the need for monitoring the implementation of gender equality policies, priority areas and methods of monitoring.
Information on activities at the national or international levels
1. CEID coordinated the project titled ?The Constructive Monitoring Project on The Mechanisms for Combating Violence Against Women? 15/08/2013 ? 03/03/2014
Objectives and results of the action:
? to contribute to a better implementation of the Law on the Protection of the Family and the Prevention of Violence Against Women through developing a monitoring plan for the Mechanism in question.
? to propound the issues of ?why monitoring is a necessity? and ?what can be achieved through monitoring? in order to enhance the dissemination of monitoring practices among NGOs and public institutions.
? to contribute to the finalisation of the By-law in question with or through proposals coming out of the outputs of the project.
? A Draft ŞÖNİM Monitoring Plan (Base line and Indicators of Monitoring) was prepared and it is published within the book entitled: ?Model of Monitoring on the Mechanism for Combating Violence against Women?.
? Cooperation and collaboration for the activities of ŞÖNİMs among public institutions and NGOs are enhanced in four cities.
? The Systematic and Sustainable Monitoring Mechanism Proposal is submitted to the Ministry

2. CEID is now coordinating the EU Project titled ?Right Based Monitoring In Turkey: Mapping the Civil Monitoring Initiatives and Strengthening Gender Perspective of Monitoring? EIDR 2011CBSS TURKEY PROGRAM 01/02/2014 ? 01/10/2015

Objectives and results of the action
To improve potential impact of civil society monitoring for promotion of human rights of women and men in Turkey through strengthening the right based monitoring undertaken by civil initiatives via capacity building to include gender perspective in monitoring.

? Mapping the current civil initiatives for human rights monitoring in Turkey including information on method, content, references and information sharing and impact on policy making.
? Capacity building of the current monitoring initiatives of rights based monitoring in Turkey by integration of the gender perspective as an indispensable axis of these actions.
? To improve capacity of WROs/CSOs in target area for civil monitoring.
? To increase awareness on the part of Donors for supporting monitoring actions of civil initiatives with an embedded gender perspective.
To enable public civil dialogue by obtaining Public Institution?s perceptions, practices and experiences about monitoring.

3. CEID is associate in the ?Women in Management? (EuropeAid/135252/M/ACT/TR ) Strengthening the mutual cooperation of Italian and Turkish CSOs in the field of occupational equal opportunities and women's access to managerial positions, this Project lasts 15 months and it will finish at the end of October 2015.
? the project will be based on the promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities, with the aim of promoting a better knowledge of women?s rights in their professional access to managerial positions.
the partners operating in Italian and Turkish CSOs will have the chance of establishing a mutual cooperation network, in order to consolidate a joint approach to the topic of gender equality and professional equal opportunities.
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
YES, but it should be prepared at the end of the year. At that moment we can send it to you. -
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
Executive Committee Members of CEID all have Turkish Nationality.

Yıldız Tokman
Serpil Sancar
Ayça Kurtoğlu
Gülsen Ülker
Nisan Kuyucu
Gökçe Bayrakçeken Tüzel
Ayça Bulut Bican
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations