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Platforma mimovládnych rozvojových organizácií
Information on the purpose of your organization

The Slovak NGDO Platform is an umbrella organization of 32 Slovak non-governmental organizations (25 full members and 7 observers) which are active in the field of international development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and global education. Based on the Memorandum of Understanding the Slovak NGDO Platform is an official partner of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic in the area of development cooperation.
The Slovak NGDO Platform´s role is to represent the common interests of its member organisations both at home and abroad, influence policy making in the area of development cooperation and raise awareness about global issues and interconnectedness.
The mission of the Slovak NGDO Platform is to increase the effectiveness, quality and quantity of development cooperation and humanitarian assistance provided by the Slovak Republic, build awareness on development cooperation and global issues and thus by its action and activities of its members contribute to a fairer world.
Our vision is a world without extreme poverty in which the dignity of every human being is fully respected, where men and women have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and exercise their rights. Creating the conditions for the poor in order to improve their living standards by enhancing employment opportunities, education and reducing vulnerability. Democratically elected leaders make decisions in order to reach the common good, reduce extreme inequalities, take care of the environment and try to contribute to sustainable development for future generations, prevention of violent conflicts and peacekeeping on regional and global level as well.
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
The Slovak NGDO Platform has followed the implementation of MDGs. The members of the Platform work in developing countries towards the objectives (in the priority countries of the Slovak ODA such as Kenya, Afghanistan, Moldova, South Sudan, Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership, but also other African and Asian countries).
The Slovak NGDO Platform follows the international development policies thanks to its membership in CONCORD. The Slovak NGDO Platform has been advocating for the 0,7% commitment ODA/GNI, for aid effectiveness principles (reconfirmed in Busan and Mexico) and for the importance of policy coherence for development. Since 2012 it has followed the creation of the new post-2015 development agenda. It has published several policy briefs on the post-2015 agenda. In May 2015 it launched a series of 20 articles on SDGs in the Slovak Economic Daily (Hospodárske noviny) in the frame of the European Year for Development (EYD) 2015. The Platform is the national beneficiary of the EYD project supported by the European Commission under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
The Slovak NGDO Platform has been actively involved in the dialogue with the Slovak government in relation to the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa. Two representatives of the Slovak NGDO Platform were part of the Slovak official delegation at the conference. The Platform also supported the travel of two Slovak journalists for the conference.
It has followed the work of the Beyond 2015 European Task Force thanks to its membership in CONCORD and advocated for a favourable agenda being in touch with the Slovak Representation at the UN (who was a member of the Inter-governmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing).
Next year, Slovakia will hold the Presidency in the Council of the EU. The Slovak NGDO Platform will implement a project during the Presidency with a focus on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and Policy Coherence for Development. Thus participation at the UN Summit where the SDGs will be adopted will be of great value for its future work on the implementation.
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding the Slovak NGDO Platform is an official partner of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic in the area of development cooperation. The Slovak NGDO Platform has its representative in the Coordination Committee of Slovak Development Cooperation, which acts as an advisory body to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is part of the process of the formulation of Slovak Development Policy including policy coherence for development (it is part of the working group on PCD under the coordination committee). It has established relations with the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation. The Platform actively participates in the drafting process and implementation of key documents related to the official development assistance. The Platform actively approaches members of the Slovak and European Parliament. Regular work with representatives of the media also plays an important part in the process.
The Slovak NGDO Platform is one of the founding members of CONCORD ? European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development with a seat in Brussels. The representatives of the Slovak NGDO Platform are members of various working groups of CONCORD such as AidWatch, Policy Coherence for Development, Financing for Development (related to the recent FFD conference in Addis Ababa), Beyond 2015, etc. It actively works on these issues with the NGDO platforms across the EU.
Information on activities at the national or international levels
The Platform follows 3 objectives in its activities and work:
1. to participate actively in international development cooperation through national and EU policy
The Slovak NGDO Platform represents its member organizations and participates on their behalf in development policy creation. It is an active institutional partner of MFAaEA SR, provides technical support and affects the policy-making of national, European and global institutions to reach sustainable development. However Platform respects the primary responsibility for developing policies that is in the competencies of Slovak government and MFAaEA SR.

2. to contribute to the shaping of public awareness in Slovakia on the solidarity, mutual cooperation and responsibility for tackling poverty, oppression and humanitarian crises in the world
The Slovak NGDO Platform is aware of the interconnectedness of the world today and therefore seeks to generate the interest in the Slovak public about what is happening outside of Slovakia. Events that are happening on the opposite sides of the world have an impact on our country, too and we can feel it in our daily lives without our reflection on the actual causes of these phenomena. Each of us has certain responsibility for the future of our planet and each of us can contribute to fairer world.

3. to strengthen the capacity and coordinate cooperation of its member organizations
The Slovak NGDO Platform provides a space for cooperation of various non-governmental organizations dealing with development cooperation and global development education. It promotes their mutual sharing of experiences and professional growth, connects them with institutions dealing with development cooperation and other related issues at national, European and international level.

Summary of activities:
Representing joint interests of its members
Providing and sharing information about current trends in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance
Coordinating joint activities and projects of its members
Advocating on issues related to international development and humanitarian assistance on the national and international level
Review and scrutiny of official documents related to development and humanitarian assistance, conducting surveys and expert activities
Organizing professional workshops, conferences and seminars for member organizations and the public
Engaging the Slovak media into the topic of development cooperation, policy coherence for development and global challenges
Activities to promote global development education in Slovakia and raise public awareness about development assistance and global interconnectedness
Publication and editorial activities
Being member of various working groups of CONCORD and following international development policy and international negotiations at the international conferences
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
YES: - annual-reports-link1.docx
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
Full members
ADRA ? Adventist Development and Relief Agency,
CEEV ?ivica ? Center for Environmental and Ethical Education,
Center for European Policy,
People in Peril,
eRko ? Christian Children Communities Movement,
Evangelical Diaconia of the ECAC,
GLEN Slovakia,
MAGNA Children at Risk,
Habitat for Humanity International Foundation,
Integra Foundation,
Pontis Foundation,
Open European-Slav Court,
Sila rozvoja ? Power of development ? Institute of International Cooperation,
Slovak Humanitarian Council,
Caritas Slovakia,
Slovak Centre for Communication and Development,
Slovak Red Cross,
Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association,
St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work,
Albert Association for support of Faculty of Health Care and Social Work at Trnava University in Trnava,

Academia Istropolitana Nova,
People in Need ? Slovakia,
Two Colour World,
Society Development Institute,
Milan ?imečka Foundation,
Slovak Atlantic Commission,
Slovak Committee for UNICEF,
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations