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Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Liberty (MPDL) - Movimiento por La Paz, El Desarme Y La Libertad
Information on the purpose of your organization

The Movement for Peace-MPDL- is a non profit organization which aim is the Global Peace, which means a total respect of the Human Rights, democratic governability, equality and solidarity between the people
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
MPDL implements development and humanitarian projects and programs y more than 10 countries spread in South and Central América (Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Cuba), África (Morocco, Algeria, Malí and Niger) and Meadle East (Palestinian Ocupied Territories, Lebanon and Jordan) as well as in Spain.
To help in the promotion of a Peace Culture in all these countries, MPDL implements mainly peace building and human rights intervencions (Protection, Food Security, Health...) totally aligned with the MDG and the SDG.
MPDL has been participating in the work group created by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs dedicated to fix the Spanish position in the Post 2015 agenda
Information on activities at the national or international levels
International Action Activities:
Malí and Niger: Health, (mainly sexual and reproductive health), Food Security and Nutrition.
Morocco: Gobernability and Gender
Saharaui Camps: Humanitarian Aid and Health prevention
Cuba: Food Security
Colombia: Peace building and Prevention of violence and gender
Guatemala: Human Rights Defenders, Prevention of Violence and Gobernability.
Nicaragua: Gobernability, Prevention of Violence and Food Security.
Lebanon and Jordan: Humanitarian action and protection to refugees fron the Siria Crisis
Palestinian Ocuppied Territories: Protection to vulnerable people and gobernability.

Activities in Spain:
Social protection to vulnerable people (mainly migrants)
Labor inclusión
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
yes - Memoria2013.pdf
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
President: Francisca Sauquillo Pérez del Arco (Spanish)
Vicepresident: Manuel de la Rocha Rubí (Spanish)
Treasure: Mariano Calle Cebrecos (Spanish)
Secretary: Pedro Díez Olazábal (Spanish)
Mercedes Cabrera Orejas (Spanish)
Henar Corbi Murgui (Spanish)
Emilio Gilolmo López (Spanish)
Emilio Mariano Ginés Santidrián (Spanish)
Marisol Herrero Sainz-Rozas (Spanish)
Rafael Giménez Chicharro (Spanish)
Francisco Aldecoa Luzárraga (Spanish)
Juan Antonio Garde Roca (Spanish)
Óscar Oliveira González (Spanish)
Lucila Corral Ruiz (Spanish)
Teresa Ribera Rodríguez (Spanish)
Fernando Galindo Elola-Olaso (Spanish)
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations