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Information on the purpose of your organization

Our organization called Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) in Hindi and Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA_ in English is an international centre to promote and popularize a culture of ahimsa (nonviolence) and create awareness among the people of the world about the issues such as environment, ecology and sustainability ( The main purpose of our organization is to create a nonviolent socio-political world order. We believe that it is the uncontrolled human lifestyle that is responsible for the rampant violence and hatred that have percolated through to global society and for the crisis of non-sustainability on this planet. Efforts being made by various Governments through UN forum are all structural and superficial. No change in the present situation is possible unless people change. Our organization has been endeavouring through the organization of a series of international conferences on peace and nonviolent action and nonviolence leadership training camps to make the people realize that for our prosperity and happiness both humans and non-humans that include all birds, all animals, all living organisms, forests, hills, rivers etc. should flourish together. In our quest for their material comforts, humans are destroying the bio-diversity of the planet. They do not know that they are destroying themselves.
Our organization draws inspiration from ANUVRAT MOVEMENT launched by late His Holiness Acharya Tulsi and currently headed by HH Acharya Mahashraman. Anu means small and Vrata means a vow. Thus ANUVRAT means small vows. It is a global campaign of small vows. In order to ensure the eco-sustainability of the future and equitable distribution of the natural resources among all sections of people on the earth, ANUVRAT Code of Conduct has been laid down by the founder of the Movement. It consists of eleven small vows and the volunteers of our organization inspire people to pledge to live the good moral life.
Our organization believes that every human being irrespective of his caste, creed, nationality instinctively fulfils his pledges and keeps vows. Once a person takes a vow voluntarily he keeps it. So the organization aims at creating a network of self-transformed people by persuading them to observe the eleven vows to refrain from the killing of innocent creatures, war, inessential violence, violent agitations, discrimination on the basis of caste, colour and creed, religious intolerance, dishonesty, possessiveness (limiting personal possessions) addictions and from harming nature by cutting trees. We seize the opportunity to reproduce the Anuvrat Code of Conduct which the organization is popularizing among children, youths and adults.
The main objective of the organization is to promote self-restraint and nonviolence as antidotes to a culture of non-sustainability. Thousands have joined the movement and are acting as ambassadors of peace and nonviolence. Anuvrat volunteers visit schools, colleges and universities and educate youths in nonviolence.
Information on your programmes and activities in areas relevant to the subject of the Summit and in which country or counties they are carried out.
All our programmes and activities focus on the current problems staring us in the face. They are quite relevant to the subject of the theme of the Summit. All our programmes and activities have been formulated keeping in mind that the mother earth is critically ill. It needs to be extricated from the mire in which it is enmeshed at present. We believe that development is essential for humanity but the way development has been pursued during the last two centuries has pushed humanity to the brink of extinction. But the most vulnerable groups affected by the gale of unsustainable development are the poor marginalized people, tribals and aboriginals who have lived in forests for centuries. The forests have been converted into concrete jungles and they have nowhere to go. All of us are caught in the vicious circle of production and consumption. Who is benefiting from this development? The answer is only the creamy layer of society. The gap between the rich and the poor has increased menacingly. More and more people go to bed hungry. Most people in developing and undeveloped country have no homes. Natural resources which give us water and energy are depleting and nothing is left for the people of the future. Population is galloping. The earth's carrying capacity has been exhausted. But the programmes of Governments to eliminate poverty, ensure good health, enable people to get drinking water and make education available to all have failed miserably. We believe that immorality, selfishness, greed, ostentation that are on rise at global level are responsible for all over ills. We believe that only persuasion and change of heart can bring about attitudinal changes among people in society. All our programmes are social campaigns which aim at inspiring people to limit their needs, limit their travels, limit their items of food, clothes and possessions like cars and houses, refrain from unnecessary violence, treat nature as God and have reverence for all life forms.
Our ANUVRAT MOVEMENT consisting of 11 small vows has in it a potential to ensure eco-sustainability of the future and as a matter of fact is directed towards UN Agenda of SDGs.
1. The vow of nonviolence enjoins people to refrain from unnecessary violence. Violence incurred in agriculture is essential violence. We cannot escape it but we can refrain from unnecessary violence like killing animals, wasting water and ostentation. The vow of nonviolence alone ensures sustainability.
2. If most people take a vow that they will not kill a person who is innocent and has done no harm to them, there will be no wars, no conflicts and no communal violence in the world. Social awareness is imperative.
3. We also propagate that war is a crime and ask people not to support a war and oppose production of nuclear weapons.
4. Corruption and dishonesty are promoting unsustainable living. ANUVRAT MOVEMEN is inspiring people to pledge that they will never indulge in corruption.
5. The problem of poverty and hunger. Our approach is simple. If people set limits to their needs, it will naturally result in saving resources for the people. We encourage limited consumption and ask people to hate consumerism. One of our small vows relates to the protection of environment. It enjoins the people never to cut green trees even for a good cause.
Information on activities at the national or international levels
In order to achieve our objectives, Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA) (Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA)) organizes following programmes and activities :
1. Organization of International Conferences on Peace and Nonviolent Action : Our organization believes that the problems of poverty, hunger, environmental and ecological degradation, inequalities, exploitation of women and children, gap between the rich and the poor, climate change, unsustainable development, violation of human rights that we are facing today owe their origin to our unrestrained lifestyle embedded in a culture of violence and greed. To create global awareness and secure individual commitment to nonviolence we organize an international conferences on peace and nonviolent action biannually and national dialogues at state and national level periodically from time to time. Anuvibha has organized so far eight rich major international conferences in India in which hundreds of peace activists from around the world have participated.
2. Global Nonviolence Leadership Training Camps : We have organized three such camps in which hundreds of overseas and Indian youths have taken part. The two-day camp includes strict disciplined life in self-restraint during the period of the camp, a series of lectures by learned people on many facets of nonviolence and meditation. Attitudinal changes occur in individuals and their commitment to nonviolence becomes strong.
3. Publication of a Journal called Anuvibha Reporter and Conference Reports : The other means to disseminate the message of peace, nonviolence and sustainability is the publication of journals and books. The issues carried article on areas related to peace and nonviolence. In addition, ANUVIBHA has published voluminous reports containing presentations by delegates which are transforming people at global level.
4. Anuvrat Ahimsa Award for International Peace : Anuvibha honours individuals from around the world who, through their speeches, writings and activities, have contributed to the cause of ANUVRAT and AHIMSA. The award carries a cash incentive of one hundred thousand rupees plus a citation and a memento. Those who have been honoured so far are Prof. Glenn D. Paige - Hawaii USA, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda - Japan, Perez De Cuellar, Peru, Dr. S.N. Subba Rao, India, Dr. Thomas Daffern, UK, Prof. Katsuya Kodama, Japan and Dr. P.V. Rajagopal, India. The award inspires people to work for nonviolence.
5. Children's Peace Palace, Rajsamand - Rajasthan INDIA : It is a major activity of ANUVIBHA to expose children to peace, nonviolence and sustainability. ANUVIBHA maintains a peace palace on top of a hill near a lake at Rajsamand (Udaipur) Rajasthan in India. Twenty two special chambers containing audio-visual presentations on human values are the main attraction for children. In addition camps are organized periodically. We have noted that children who visit this peace palace and attend camps develop positive attitudes towards life.
6. Project for Village Development: ANUVIBHA also tries to create a chain of model villages in Rajsamand district in which the villagers are educated in health, hygiene, sanitation and encouraged to live a sustainable life avoiding wasteful practices conflicts and excessive consumption. They are also encouraged to live the good moral life embedded in Anuvrat Code of Conduct.
Organization have an annual report? (YES/NO) (should contain financial statements and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions)?
NO -
List of members of the governing body of your organization, and their countries of nationality
Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA)

Working Committee Members

S.No. Post Name Country
1 President Mr. Nirmal M. Ranka India
2 International President Dr. Sohan Lal Jain Gandhi India
3 Senior Vice-President Mr. Suresh Kavadia India
4 Vice-President Mr. Vimal Surana India
5 Vice-President Mr. Ganesh Kachchara India
6 Vice-President Mr. Hansmukh Bhai Mehta India
7 Vice-President Mr. Nirmal Gadiya India
8 Vice-President (President, Anuvibha Jaipur Kendra) Mr. Panna Lal Baid India
9 Vice-President Mr. Daulat Daga India
10 Secretary General Mr. Sanchay Jain India
11 Treasurer Mr. Ashok Dosi India
12 Secretary Mr. S.K. Gupta India
13 Joint Secretary Mr. Ashok Doongarwal India
14 Assistant Secretary Mr. Jai Bohra India
15 Member Mr. Mahendra Jain India
16 Member Mr. Ashok Chindaliya India
17 Member Mr. Suresh Kothari India
18 Member Mr. Naresh Mehta India
19 Member Mr. Bhikham Surana India
20 Member Mr. Ganpat Dangi India
21 Member Dr. Rakesh Tailang India
22 Member Mr. Vimal Soni India
23 Member Mr. Rakesh Baradia India
24 Member Mr. Hitesh Bhandiya India
25 Member Dr. Vimal Kavadia India
26 Member Mr. Vikas Pitaliya India

Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA)

International Advisory Board

? Prof. Glenn D. Paige, Professor Emiretus of Political Science, University of Hawaii and Founder the Centre for Global Nonkilling, USA
? Dr. Gulab Kothari, Chair Madhusudan Ojha Institute of Vedic Studies and Research and Chief Editor - Rajasthan Patrika Group, India
? Master Yuji Yahiro, Spiritual Guide OkiDo Yoga, Italy
? Ms. Eva Quistorp, Co-founder of Women for Peace, Former Member European Parliament, Germany
? Mr. Robert J. Burrowes, Co-founder of the People's Charter to Create a Nonviolent World, Australia
? Prof. Katsuya Kodama, Former Secretary General- IPRA and Prof. Mie University, Japan
? Dr. Thomas C. Daffern, Director - IIPSGP, Rector - Global Green University - UK and an Eminent Thinker, UK
? Dr. Michael Ben-Eli, Founder - The Sustainability Laboratory, USA. Mr. Rick R. Dobson, CEO and Chairman, International Space Agency (ISA), USA
? Mr. Rajgopal PV, Chair - Ekta Parishad - an organization dedicated to nonviolence, INDIA
? Mr. Colin Archer, Secretary - General, International Peace Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland
? Prof. Sandra Hurlong, International President - Intercultural Open University Foundation (IOUF), Netherland and USA
? HRH Princce Joseph Simbwa, A Nonviolence Activist in Africa and a Signatory to People's Charter to create a Nonviolence World, Yuganda
? Mr. Yeshua Moser Puangusawan, Human rights and disarmament Activist, Author, Lecturer and Nonviolence Trainer/Educator, Council Member of Nonviolence International and Consultant for the International Peace Bureau, USA
? Mr. Vijay Mehta, Chair - Uniting for Peace, Founding Trustee - Fortune Forum Charity, UK
? Dr. S.N. Subba Rao, an eminent Gandhian and nonviolence thinker, INDIA
? Prof. Jiang Maorong, Asian World Centre, Creighton University, USA
Copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization (WORD or PDF only), or a weblink to it
United Nations