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Main Milestones
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Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Paris Agreement
SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway
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United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, RIO +20: the Future We Want
Five-year review of the Mauritius Strategy of Implementation: MSI+5
BPOA+10: Mauritius Strategy of Implementation
World Summit on Sustainable (WSSD) Rio+10: Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
Bardados Programme of Action (BPOA)+5
UNGASS -19: Earth Summit +5
Bardados Programme of Action (BPOA)
Start of CSD
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development: Agenda 21
Our Common Future
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Conference)
Creation of UNEP
Statement by: Romania
5 May 2014

Romania’s intervention
Focus area 3. Health and population dynamics
Healthy life at all ages for all
a) by 2030 reduce the maternal mortality ratio to less than 40 per 100,000 live births , end preventable new-born and child deaths and reduce by x% child and maternal morbidity
b) by 2030 end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases
c) reduce by x% the risk of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), injuries and promote mental health with strong focus on prevention
d) achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, with particular attention to the most marginalized
e) by 2030 ensure universal access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all,
f) ensure universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health for all, including modern methods of family planning
g) decrease by x% the number of deaths and illnesses from indoor and outdoor air pollution and other forms of environmental degradation
h) Eliminate narcotic drug and substance abuse

Appropriate means of implementation


• In the title, insert the word “well-being” to read “Health, well-being and population dynamics”;
• In target c), insert “well-being” and “early diagnosis” to read: reduce by x% the risk of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), injuries and promote mental health and well-being with strong focus on prevention and early diagnosis;
• We propose to merge target b) and c) for a more comprehensive approach;
• Remove target e) we strongly support a focus on health outcomes, not outputs. Access to affordable medicines and vaccines will be necessary to achieve outcome targets, so we do not need to make a specific reference to it.
• Welcome the target g) on environmental causes of diseases and support keeping it under this FA, due to the reference to other forms of environmental degradation, which is not confined to cities;

Focus Area 4: Education and long-life learning
Provide quality education and life-long learning for all

a) by 2030 ensure universal, free, equitable access to and completion of quality primary and secondary education for all girls and boys, leading to effective learning outcomes
b) ensure that persons with disabilities have access to inclusive education, skills development and vocational training
c) by 2030 increase by x% the proportion of children able to access and complete quality pre-primary education
d) by 2030 achieve universal youth and adult literacy, with particular attention to women and the most marginalized
e) by 2030 increase by x% the number of young and adult women and men with vocational training, technical, engineering and scientific skills
f) integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills , education for sustainable development, and awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development
g) all schools to provide safe and healthy learning environment for all students

Appropriate means of implementation

• Welcome mentioning of quality education and vocational training.
• Should consider tertiary education and science as additional aspects.
• The focus area must reflect also the linkages between education – access to markets – employments.
• In target f) We welcome the reference to quality education and ICT training. We note that there is an important link with the private sector, markets and job creation, which should be addressed here.

• Human rights based approaches should underpin this focus area, which should clearly state that everyone has the right to education. Education needs to be provided in a safe and secure environment, or access and completion will not be guaranteed. (g) all schools to provide [ADD: physically and mentally] safe and healthy learning environment for all students33 [ADD: with particular attention children belonging to vulnerable and marginalised groups]
• Focus area 4 does not reflect enough life-long learning. In this sense, we suggest including adult education under this focus area.
• Qualified teachers are crucial for quality education, therefore we support references to continuous teacher training.

United Nations