UNESCO in partnership with the International Social Sciences Council hosted a Ministerial Roundtable breakfast on STI for Global Sustainability during the High-Level Segment of the 2013 Substantive Session of The United Nations Economic and Social Council
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
On 3 July 2013, UNESCO in partnership with the International Social Sciences Council hosted a Ministerial Roundtable breakfast on STI for Global Sustainability during the High-Level Segment of the 2013 Substantive Session of The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The event informed ECOSOC members and others on the ways in which STI can accelerate the achievement of the MDGs and strengthen the post 2015 development agenda, including by improved targeting of STI for sustainable development, strengthening STEM education to build human capital, recognizing that science drives technology and innovation and providing an integrated framework for the science policy governance. The importance of science diplomacy was also highlighted so that international negotiations would be informed by the latest scientific knowledge available, and at the same time as a way to promote stronger scientific collaboration among nations, including the need to support LDCs in their efforts to increase their scientific capacity.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We emphasize the importance of technology transfer to developing countries and recall the provisions on technology transfer, finance, access to information and intellectual property rights as agreed in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, in particular its call to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, access to and the development, transfer and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies and corresponding know-how, in particular to developing countries, on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed. We also take note of the further evolution of discussions and agreements on these issues since the adoption of the Plan of Implementation.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We stress the importance of access by all countries to environmentally sound technologies, new knowledge, know-how and expertise. We further stress the importance of cooperative action on technology innovation, research and development. We agree to explore modalities in the relevant forums for enhanced access to environmentally sound technologies by developing countries.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We underline the need for enabling environments for the development, adaptation, dissemination and transfer of environmentally sound technologies. In this context, we note the role of foreign direct investment, international trade and international cooperation in the transfer of environmentally sound technologies. We engage in our countries as well as through international cooperation to promote investment in science, innovation and technology for sustainable development.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We recognize the importance of strengthened national, scientific and technological capacities for sustainable development. This can help countries, especially developing countries, to develop their own innovative solutions, scientific research and new, environmentally sound technologies, with the support of the international community. To this end, we support building science and technology capacity, with both women and men as contributors and beneficiaries, including through collaboration among research institutions, universities, the private sector, governments, non-governmental organizations and scientists.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
Relevant UN system agencies to identify options for a facilitation mechanism that promotes the development, transfer and dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies by, inter alia, assessing technology needs of developing countries, options to address them and capacity building...
The UN Secretary General, on the basis of the options identified and taking into account existing models, to make recommendations regarding the facilitation mechanism to General Assembly 67th session.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We recognize the importance of space-technology-based data, in situ monitoring and reliable geospatial information for sustainable development policymaking, programming and project operations. In this context, we note the relevance of global mapping and recognize the efforts in developing global environmental observing systems, including by the Eye on Earth Network and through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. We recognize the need to support developing countries in their efforts to collect environmental data.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We recognize the importance of strengthening international, regional and national capacities in research and technology assessment, especially in view of the rapid development and possible deployment of new technologies that may also have unintended negative impacts, in particular on biodiversity and health, or other unforeseen consequences.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We recognize the need to facilitate informed policy decision-making on sustainable development issues and, in this regard, to strengthen the science-policy interface.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We emphasize the need for enhanced capacity-building for sustainable development and, in this regard, we call for the strengthening of technical and scientific cooperation, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation. We reiterate the importance of human resource development, including training, the exchange of experiences and expertise, knowledge transfer and technical assistance for capacity-building, which involves strengthening institutional capacity, including planning, management and monitoring capacities.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We call for the continued and focused implementation of the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity-building, adopted by UNEP.
In support of Rio+20 outcome paragraph
We encourage the participation and representation of men and women scientists and researchers from developing and developed countries in processes related to global environmental and sustainable development assessment and monitoring, with the purpose of enhancing national capabilities and the quality of research for policy- and decision-making processes.