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Input to Questionnaire related to the development of Sustainable Development Goals

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    The Rio outcome document states that the SDGs should be limited in
    number, and at the same time focus on priority areas for the achievement of
    sustainable development.

    1. Please list a limited number, preferably between five and ten, of the
    important priority areas that must be addressed through the SDGs to
    contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.

    • Increase access to modern energy services( lighting inclusive)
    • Reduce poverty/hunger: Include targets for reducing food insecurity
    • Increase percentage of local content in foreign direct investment :
    develop indicators for local content in .
    • Corporate Social responsibilities
    • Expand MDG 7 to include targets and indicators for natural resources
    • Increase of the share of manufacturing sectors in GDP. (setting
    targets in %)
    • Develop a goal for the Transport and Roads sector: (availability of
    roads to rural farming areas. Target Density and motorability of
    roads to be increased in rural areas for easy accessibility and select
    indicators for this)
    • Increase decent employment: employment rate used as a major macro
    economic indicator. ( measures should be put in place to achieve
    labour statistics )
    • Recycle wastes: increase waste collection and reuse and recovering.
    (Collection targets set in %)
    • Develop goal and targets for green housing and architectural

    The SDGs “should address and incorporate in a balanced way all three
    dimensions of sustainable development and their interlinkages. They should
    be coherent with and integrated into the United Nations development
    agenda beyond 2015, thus contributing to the achievement of sustainable
    development and serving as a driver for implementation and mainstreaming
    of sustainable development in the United Nations system as a whole. The
    development of these goals should not divert focus or effort from the
    achievement of the Millennium Development Goals” (The Future We Want,
    paragraph 246).

    2. How might the SDGs strive to balance the economic, social and
    environmental pillars of sustainable development?

    Integrate the MDGs, suitably modified/updated for post-2015, into a larger
    sustainable development framework

    The SDGs must be “global in nature and universally applicable to all
    countries while taking into account different national realities, capacities
    and levels of development and respecting national policies and
    priorities” (The Future We Want, paragraph 247).

    3. Based on your experience with MDGs or other existing goals, what
    would be the key use of SDGs for your country (select at most two)?
    a. Defining national policies
    b. Addressing key pressure leading to unsustainability.
    4. How can “universally applicable” SDGs be made practically relevant
    for countries at different levels of development? (Please refer to your
    country’s situation as appropriate.)

    • Countries in transition (CITs) should be supported to translate
    universally applicable SDGs into specific and appropriate national

    • Countries in less developed or developing countries should be
    supported to prioritize their own development goals and seek to
    deliver on them.

    5. The SDGs are supposed to be “global in nature”. Should targets
    associated with those goals be:

    SDGs should be common to all countries

    The SDGs must be based on Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of
    Implementation, fully respect all the Rio Principles, build upon
    commitments already made, and contribute to the implementation of the
    outcomes of all major summits in the economic, social and environmental
    fields (The Future We Want, paragraph 246).

    6. Which existing goals and targets (e.g., MDGs, goals/targets in
    Agenda 21, JPOI) do you think should be incorporated – perhaps in
    updated form – in a proposal for sustainable development goals?

    Prioritize aspects of the Agenda 21 and MDG(s) and JPoI and base them on
    the goals identified set in question 1 above.

    The SDGs “should be coherent with and integrated into the United Nations
    development agenda beyond 2015”. (The Future We Want, paragraph 246)

    7. What specific steps can be taken to ensure that the SDGs are
    coherent with and integrated into the UN development agenda beyond

    • Consultations should be made at the global level
    • Encourage working groups that consist developing countries
    • Embed goals in specific UN agencies for implementation with
    synergies.( The UNGA should take steps and instruct agencies to
    make sure there is coordination, coherence and synergy amongst
    themselves to support the achievement of these goals)
    • Ensure that capitals are appropriately and actively represented in
    international discussions leading to the firm up of these goals after
    “We recognize that progress towards the achievement of the goals needs to
    be assessed and accompanied by targets and indicators, while taking into
    account different national circumstances, capacities and levels of
    development.” (The Future We Want, paragraph 250).

    8. How should assessments of progress toward the achievement of the
    SDGs be carried out at the global level?

    The Open Working Group to be constituted involving member states and
    major groups must as a first step meet to decide the parameters for
    assessment of progress. Submit these parameters to the High Level Forum
    that would replace the UNCSD for discussion and acceptance by all.

    Subsequently let the Expert Working Group, on a yearly basis, assess
    progress on national, regional and global levels and present report to the
    High Level Forum. The High Level should hold back to back with the the
    experts to discuss the challenges that are encountered at every level of
    implementation. The plenary discussions must engage all ….UN system,
    member states, major groups etc

    “The Future We Want” states that at the outset the Open Working Group
    will decide on its methods of work, “including developing modalities to
    ensure the full involvement of relevant stakeholders and expertise from
    civil society, the scientific community and the United Nations system
    … .” (para 248)

    9. What measures should be taken to make the process of developing a
    proposal for SDGs inclusive and participatory? How should civil
    society and other relevant stakeholders be engaged?

    Give all major groups a dedicated forum to come out with their own ideas
    and match these with those of member states. CSO often do not have
    sufficient expression when placed together with governments.

    10. What principles should underpin the development of the SDGs?
    (the UN TT report, for example, recommended adding (i) reducing
    inequalities and (ii) promoting human rights (iii) ensuring

    The Rio principles of 1992 are still the most relevant guiding principles for
    sustainable development and may still underpin the development of the

    11. How should a new Global Partnership for Development be
    constructed within or around the SDGs?

    A new global partnership for development can be constructed based on
    earlier commitments and agreements reached in earlier UN Summits,
    Conferences and other related international meetings. The way forward with
    the SDGs is the means of implementation for developing countries. Without
    doubt, bilateral efforts would be instrumental this time around because of
    the financial melt down in many developed countries.

    12. Do you have any other observations, ideas or inputs you would like
    to offer to inform the initial work of the open working group on
    sustainable development goals?

    Firm initial consultations are key and these must be comprehensive with the
    active participation of the capitals who are best placed to advise on many
    on-the- ground practicalities.

    Submitted by
    Rudolph S. Kuuzegh
    UNCSD Focal Point
United Nations