December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
Report | Topics covered | Process |
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Report | Topics covered | Process |
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The maritime transport is the most important contributor to the invasion and spread of alien species in Estonian marine areas. The aim is to ensure the effective implementation of the Ballast Water Convention and to minimise the risks of alien species invasion. In order to do so, training and capacity building will be provided for the institutions involved in ensuring the implementation of the Ballast Water Convention requirements. For ports and harbours improved cooperation will be ensured with relevant ship generated waste collection and treatment service providers. For the maritime transpo...[more]
LNG as a ship fuel has several advantages compared to traditional fuels, which are contributing to the CO2 emissions, nitrogen emissions and generation of hazardous wastes. There is no nationally coordinated system in Estonia to use the LNG fuels in shipping. The objective is to decrease the marine pollution caused by traditional fuels. In order to do so it is planned to introduce system which favours the wider use of LNG in shipping, support building relevant pipelines, terminals in ports and building of ships using LNG fuels.
The objective is to ensure that fishing gear placed to the sea will be used only as allowed in relevant fishing permits. This will avoid using more fishing gear and fishing more than allowed by the fishing permit. Also the objective is to reduce the impact of abandoned fishing gear that is sometimes left to the sea. Altogether, by using this electronic notification system, it allows for better management of available fish stocks, overfishing, illegal fishing etc. The electronic notification system also helps to find and identify the lost fishing gear. The current permitting system regulates ma...[more]
Human induced nitrogen loads to the environment and marine environment are exceeding planetary boundaries. Existing measures focusing sectoral nitrogen pollution sources have not provided sufficient solutions to tackle the problem. The objective is to use new approach to manage the nitrogen flows by taking into account also different reactive forms of nitrogen present in the nitrogen cycle. This provides a better and cross sectoral view on nitrogen flows and improved opportunities to target the specific and most relevant nitrogen pollution sources. As a result of this action the integrated nit...[more]
There are no marine protected areas in Estonian EEZ. The objective is to establish at least two marine protected areas in Estonian EEZ. In order to do so inventories of species and habitats will be made in EEZ, additional marine research and modelling will be carried out to find out long term delevpment terns in EEZ, specific objectives will be identified, cosulted and approved for each marine protected area to be established, relevant maps will be updated and the regular assessment program to evaluate the achievemnt of the objectives in marine protected areas will be put into operation.
Aquaculture is an essential alternative in implementing the blue economy principles and achieving the relevant objectives. At the same time aquaculture is an important source of pollution. In order to support the blue economy activities related to the aquaculture must be environmentally safe and ecomonically feasible. In order to ensure that regional differences in environmental conditions and traditional economic activities will be considerd and most suitable options to practice environmentally safe aquaculture will be proposed. These options, reccommendation and guidance will be established...[more]
Impacts of climate change are differenet. The aim of this study is to find out specific impacts related to the climate change on Estonian marine areas. The impacts of climate change will be assessed together with other human impacts on marine environment. This information will be used to plan relevant actions and measures for impacts that are yet to come.
The IHO capacity building programme seeks to assess and advise on how countries can best meet their international obligations and serve their own best interests by providing appropriate hydrographic and nautical charting services. Such services directly support safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, efficient sea transportation and the wider use of the seas and oceans in a sustainable way, including the protection of the marine environment, coastal zone management, fishing, marine resource exploration and exploitation, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime defence and security, and o...[more]
Storm water discharge systems that discharge directly into the sea contribute significantly to nutrient, hazardous substances and litter loads. Storm water systems which are well managed, work effectively, have appropriate water treatment systems help to reduce the marine pollution. The objective is to map all relevant storm water discharge points on Estonian coast, make the assessment of pollution loads from storm water discharges and water quality monitoring in marine areas, analyse and propose appropriate pollution reduction measures, revise the national regulatory system to support the con...[more]
Alien species are moving from one area to another without us knowing about it. This is due to the lack of information on this particular issues as well as due to absence of well-established scientific facts. The objective is to gather the existing information and scientific proof and make it available for the main target groups such as fishermen, maritime transport sector etc. This should contribute to the objective to stop the invasion of alien species through primary invasion and help to maintain existing ecosystem balance.
The objective is to reduce the amount of marine litter ending up in the sea. In order to do so, the current waste management system in ports and harbours will be revised taking into account the specific needs to collect also items and wastes that often end up in the sea as marine litter (like abandoned fishing gear). Also pilot and demonstration actions will be carried out in order to test the effectiveness of the planned changes. One of the main target groups to address are the coastal fishermen.
The objective is to inform the general public and the society about the problems related to the marine litter with the aim to reduce the littering of the sea. Human activity on the coast is one of the marine litter sources. In order to reduce the littering information and communication campaigns will be organised, training programs for rising environmental awareness and improving environmental education will be arranged, and existing cooperation agreements with relevant stakeholders and target groups will be enhanced.