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December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
Key messages
The Syrian Arab Republic participated in the United Nations Summit at which the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted, out of its belief in the importance of multilateral international cooperation to advance development and achieve well-being, and its commitment to international consensus on these goals, in addition to its conviction that the world needs a comprehensive plan of action to eradicate poverty and ensure Sustainable development in an integrated and balanced way. And because this agenda applies to all countries, it takes into account "different realities, capacities and levels of national development and respect for national policies and priorities".
During the past millennium, our country has achieved good and stable economic growth rates, and has implemented ambitious plans for reform in line with the possibilities available in all fields. The dependence of the economy on the oil sector has decreased relatively, in return for an improvement in its structural composition and the contribution of qualitative factors to growth. There have also been major successes in human development, especially related to health, education, housing services and the empowerment of women; This is what made Syria one of the countries that were previously classified as going on the right path to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
However, this situation changed radically after 2011, when a complex war broke out, which destroyed a large part of our capabilities, in addition to causing the displacement, displacement, or asylum of large numbers of Syrians. Various factors have contributed to the outbreak of this war, the most important of which is terrorism and external military interventions in which active states have been involved in the international resolution and in influencing international and international organizations.
These interventions in violation of international law, in addition to the coercive economic unilateral measures imposed on our country, are today causing prolonged war and related crises, and new waves of displacement and asylum; In fact, some of what is happening amounts to extortion and the international political and financial pressure that some countries practice in the process of human trafficking and exploitation of Syrian refugees, by a number of means, including using them as a means to obtain benefits from other countries.
The continuation of this situation is a violation of international law, principles and purposes of the United Nations, and a violation of the right of peoples to development, whether it is the right to sovereignty, or the right to choose development paths, and sovereignty over resources that are a prerequisite for achieving the sustainable development goals.
The Syrian Republic has always endeavored to be an active member of the international community, bound by international law, convinced that international partnership for development and peace is the path to human well-being. However, we do not feel that our pursuit of the partnership meets the required response from many powerful parties in the international system. Rather, we encounter military intervention, the political and economic blockade, and the obstruction of reconstruction efforts. The slogan of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, “No one is left behind,” means the cessation of excluding entire countries from the path of development, which is what we suffer in Syria, because of the blockade that harms our people and our development efforts.
Here are our messages addressed to the international community, and to ourselves, to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and achieving the principle of "No one left behind":
1- Achieving peace and security in our country, while making efforts to stop acts of aggression, terrorism, and grave violations of international law and the sovereignty of Syria, with a view to reaching a political solution based on national will, besieging terrorism, achieving national reconciliation, returning refugees and displaced persons, and ensuring security and stability.
2. Condemning unilateral economic coercive measures in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, which violate the right to development, impede the improvement of the standard of living, and demand that it be ended; With the empowerment of the legitimate authorities to control the natural resources that influence the launching of the economy and reconstruction.
3- Stop depriving Syria of its membership in international and regional organizations, freezing its assets and preventing Syrian institutions from fulfilling its role in providing citizens with the necessities of living.
4- Providing adequate, unconditional, international assistance in order to rebuild, build the Syrian economy on a sustainable basis, and integrate into the global economy.
5- The Syrian government undertakes to set integrated national policies to launch the wheel of development, starting from the implementation of the post-war development plan for Syria, which is the national translation of the sustainable development goals.
6- Expanding and institutionalizing the base for participation in implementing development plans, especially with the private sector, academia, civil society and the media, in addition to strengthening cooperation with the United Nations system in Syria and other international and regional organizations; This is to ensure optimal use of resources.
7- The commitment of the Syrian government to put in place mechanisms to ensure the implementation of activities that ensure the participation of the various components of the Syrian people, throughout the Syrian territories, in achieving development goals.
8. The Syrian Government aspires to establish a fair international partnership, its commitment to international law and the principles of human rights, justice and equality, and its endeavor to achieve development that no one neglects; And inviting all international and regional parties to be our partners in achieving this.
9- Demanding the governments of some countries to refrain from the policy of imposing “nos” to lift unilateral economic coercive measures, normalization with the Syrian government, and supporting their development efforts, in order to enhance the appropriate environment and provide the basic services necessary for the return of refugees and displaced persons in safety and dignity.
10- Ensuring the effective participation of developing countries in the management of global economic institutions, especially the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, in compliance with the tenth goal of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
الرسائل الرئيسية
شاركت الجمهورية العربية السورية في قمة الأمم المتحدة التي اعتُمدت فيها أجندة التنمية المستدامة 2030، انطلاقاً من إيمانها بأهمية التعاون الدولي المتعدد الأطراف للارتقاء بالتنمية وتحقيق الرفاه، والتزامها بالإجماع الدولي بخصوص هذه الأهداف، إضافة إلى قناعتها بأن العالم بحاجة إلى خطة عمل شاملة للقضاء على الفقر وضمان التنمية المستدامة بصورة متكاملة ومتوازنة. ولأن هذه الأجندة تنطبق على جميع البلدان، وتأخذ في الحسبان "الحقائق والقدرات ومستويات التنمية الوطنية المختلفة واحترام السياسات والأولويات الوطنية".
لقد حققت بلادنا خلال الألفية الماضية معدلات نمو اقتصادي جيدة ومستقرة، ونفّذت خططاً طموحة للإصلاح تتماشى مع الإمكانيات المتاحة في جميع المجالات. وانخفض نسبياً اعتماد الاقتصاد على قطاع النفط، في مقابل تحسن في تركيبه الهيكلي، وفي مساهمة العوامل النوعية في النمو. وحُققت كذلك نجاحات كبيرة في التنمية الإنسانية، وخاصةً المتصلة بالصحة والتعليم وخدمات الإسكان وتمكين المرأة؛ وهذا ما جعل سورية من الدول التي صنفت سابقاً بأنها تسير على الطريق الصحيح لتحقيق أهداف التنمية الألفية.
غير أن هذا الوضع تغير جذرياً بعد 2011، حين اندلعت حرب مركبة دمرت جزءاً كبيراً من مقدراتنا، إضافة إلى تسببها بنزوح أو تهجير أو لجوء أعداد كبيرة من السوريين. وقد ساهمت في اندلاع هذه الحرب عوامل مختلفة، أهمها الإرهاب والتدخلات العسكرية الخارجية التي انخرطت فيها دول فاعلة في القرار الدولي وفي التأثير على المنظمات الأممية والدولية.
هذه التدخلات المخالفة للقانون الدولي، إضافة إلى التدابير القسرية الاقتصادية الأحادية الجانب المفروضة على بلادنا، تتسبب اليوم في إطالة أمد الحرب وما يرتبط بها من أزمات، وفي موجات نزوح ولجوء جديدة؛ بل إن بعض ما يحصل يرقى إلى مصاف الابتزاز والضغط السياسي والمالي الدولي، الذي تمارسه بعض الدول في عملية اتّجار بالبشر واستغلال للاجئين السوريين، بعدة وسائل بما في ذلك، استخدامهم كوسيلة للحصول على منافع من دول أخرى.
استمرار هذا الوضع هو انتهاك للقانون الدولي ومبادئ ومقاصد الأمم المتحدة، وانتهاك لحق الشعوب في التنمية، سواء أكان الحق في السيادة، أم الحق في اختيار مسارات التنمية، والسيادة على الموارد التي هي شرط أساسي لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة.
لقد سعت الجمهورية السورية دوماً لأن تكون عضواً فاعلاً في الجماعة الدولية، ملتزماً بالقانون الدولي، اقتناعاً منها بأن الشراكة الدولية لأجل التنمية والسلم هي الطريق لرفاه البشرية. غير إننا لا نشعر أن سعينا للشراكة يلاقي الاستجابة المطلوبة من أطراف كثيرة قوية في المنظومة الدولية، لا بل نقابل بالتدخل العسكري والحصار السياسي والاقتصادي، وتعطيل جهود إعادة الإعمار. إن شعار خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام 2030 بـ"ألا يتخلف أحدٌ عن الركب"، يعني الإقلاع عن استبعاد دول بكاملها من مسار التنمية، هو ما نعاني منه في سورية، بسبب الحصار الذي يضر بشعبنا وبجهود التنمية لدينا.
وهذه رسائلنا الموجهة إلى المجتمع الدولي، وإلى أنفسنا، لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة 2030، وتحقيق مبدأ "ألا يتخلف أحدٌ عن الركب":
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Rio+20; |
The IHO capacity building programme seeks to assess and advise on how countries can best meet their international obligations and serve their own best interests by providing appropriate hydrographic and nautical charting services. Such services directly support safety of navigation, safety of life at sea, efficient sea transportation and the wider use of the seas and oceans in a sustainable way, including the protection of the marine environment, coastal zone management, fishing, marine resource exploration and exploitation, maritime boundary delimitation, maritime defence and security, and o...[more]