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Mission Blue – SIDS Hope Spots Initiative
Description/achievement of initiative

Dr. Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer, National Geographic Explorer-In-Residence and Founder of Mission Blue, will invite SIDS leaders to nominate areas within their national jurisdiction as well as contiguous to their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs )as “Hope Spots” for maintaining and restoring ocean health. Please find information about “Hope Spots” at this link on our website: http://mission-blue.org/hope-spots-new/ Mission Blue, Google, IUCN and SIDS DOCK will assist countries nominating areas with training in the use of Google Earth and Maps and content development in these tools in at least four languages (English, Spanish, French and Portuguese) with the goal of promoting each country’s efforts. This will aid them in building awareness for their country, economic development projects and environmental and educational programs with potential for more partnerships and greater sustainability.

Implementation methodologies

A general description of the area to be nominated will be sent to Dr. Sylvia Earle by letter or in an email will begin the process. As each site is developed, spatial information will be developed to help visualize the area envisioned and the nation will provide their rationale and aspirations for each Hope Spot. Participating AOSIS and SIDS DOCK member countries will identify staff within country to be trained to work in Google Earth and Maps, develop content owned and managed by the participating nations and pledge to help states develop their own partnerships within the larger network of Mission Blue. Mission Blue, working with IUCN and Google, will train SIDS public, NGOs and private sector companies via Skype, Google Hangout or telephone connection in content building and provide guidance and advice in the use of the tools for education, awareness building and data visualization needed for planning purposes.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Sylvia Earle Alliance (Mission Blue) & partners; partners participating, Google, IUCN, SIDS DOCK
Progress reports
Goal 14
Maps of areas nominated presented at World Parks Congress 2014 .
Metrics on locations selected and content developed using Google Tools to be reported annually.
Reports on SIDS personnel engagement consultations provided by SIDS state to be reported annually.
Google Earth/Maps tours of content to be reported annually.
Other, please specify
Google participation- Jenifer Austin – other Google employees on a 20% time volunteer basis.
Other, please specify
IUCN Participation- Dr. Dan Laffoley, Andrew Jeffries.
In-kind contribution
Mission Blue staff time from Charlotte Vick, Maria Montoreano.
Other, please specify
Mission Blue, IUCN, Google and other partner social media reporting on SIDS nominated Hope Spots-Communication managers & staff for each organization on a periodic basis.
Other, please specify
Mission Blue, IUCN, Google and other partner social media reporting on SIDS nominated Hope Spots-Communication managers & staff for each organization on a periodic basis.

Basic information
Time-frame: 2014 - October 1, 2017.
Sylvia Earle Alliance (Mission Blue) & partners; partners participating, Google, IUCN, SIDS DOCK
Contact information
Charlotte Vick, Director of Partnerships, cvick@mission-blue.org
United Nations