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MSI (2005): Mauritius Strategy of Implementation
10 Jan 2005 - 14 Jan 2005
Port-Louis, Mauritius
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BPoA +10: Mauritius Strategy (Ten Year Review of BPoA)


Mandated by UN GA Resolution (A/57/262), the high level Mauritius International Meeting held in Port Louis, Mauritius in January 2005 served as the culmination of a 10-year comprehensive review of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (BPOA).

Outcome of the MSI

The outcome of the Mauritius Meeting was the adoption of the Mauritius Strategy (MSI) for the further Implementation of the BPOA. The meeting recognized that there were still constraints in fulfilling the activities of the BPOA. In particular, SIDS had pursued the implementation of the plan within the constraints posed by limited financial resources, including an overall decline in official development assistance (ODA).

New priorities

The MSI sets forth actions and strategies in 19 priority areas, which build on the original 14 thematic areas of BPOA. New additional thematic areas in the MSI include graduation from least developed country status, trade, sustainable production and consumption (as called for by the JPOI), health, knowledge management, and culture – all of which are intended to support SIDS in achieving internationally agreed targets and goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In line with the MDGs, the MSI framework puts in place measures to build resilience in SIDS.
United Nations