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Commission on Sustainable Development

In the Commission on Sustainable Development, which addresses thematic clusters on a bi-annual basis, climate change has been a thematic focus as well as a re-occurring and important cross-cutting issue discussed in partnership fairs, side-events and learning center courses.

CSD-14 & CSD-15

At its Fourteenth session in 2006 and Fifteenth session in 2007, climate change was one of the main thematic issues under consideration along with energy, industrial development, and air pollution/atmosphere

CSD-16 &CSD-17

Climate Change was also a central cross cutting issue in the subsequent Sixteenth and Seventeenth sessions of the Commission, which focused on agriculture, drought, desertification, land management, rural development and African development.  The impacts of global warming on food security, an African green revolution and sustainable land and water management were included in ministerial round-table discussions leading up to the Chair’s Shared Vision and the negotiated outcome of the session (E/CN.17/2009/19).