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Energy Seminar, Egypt, 19-21 June, 2005

Energy Seminar on African Electrical Interconnection, 19-21 June, 2005

19-21 June, 2005
Cairo, Egypt


Name Affiliation/Title Presentation
Mr. Laurent Tourres e7 delegate, Electricité de France (EDF) Regional Electricity Cooperation and Integration (RECI) Feasibility Assessment
Dr. Yehia Abu-Alam Senior Technical Adviser, DESA Political/legal framework of interconnection
Mr. Pancrace Niyimbona Energy Affairs Officer, UN Economic Commission for Africa The challenges of operationalizing power pools in Africa
Mr. Paul Aubé Project Adviser, e7 Secretariat Regional market analysis
Mr. Paul Aubé Project Adviser, e7 Secretariat Resource development
Mr. Paul Aubé Project Adviser, e7 Secretariat Optimal sharing of benefits
Mr. Yvon Hotte e7 delegate, Engineer, Hydro-Quebéc Power systems interconnection
Mr. Christian Leblanc e7 delegate, Hydro-Québec Financing interconnection projects
Mr. Yvon Hotte e7 delegate, Engineer, Hydro-Quebéc Case study - interconnection of power systems in the Greater Mekong Sub-region
(additional presentation, not delivered at seminar) Market operational structures
(additional presentation, not delivered at seminar) Interconnected Systems Operating Conditions