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About Major Groups: Business & Industry

Special Day:
Special Day of Business & Industry at CSD-14
New York, 9 - 10 May 2006

The Business Action for Energy (BAE) -the business community platform created for the CSD-14/15 cycle-, in collaboration with the UN Division for Sustainable Development organised a “Day of Business and Industry”, held on the 9th of  May, 1:30 – 7:45 pm in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium.

The “Day of Business and Industry” at CSD-14 complemented the thematic discussions on “Enhancing the contributions of the private sector and other stakeholders in addressing the thematic cluster” (9 May -morning session) and the Ministerial dialogue “Making a difference”: panel with Ministers, CEOs, IFIs etc.” (10 May - morning session) by bringing together and engaging business, governments, and other major groups sectors in a dynamic dialogue on energy for sustainable development-related topics.

The “Day of …” started off with short presentations introducing the different topics on the agenda and providing background information before leading into interactive Q&A sessions.

The sessions aimed to review the thematic cluster and to highlight past examples and experiences of the various business and industry actors.

BAE founders are the International Chamber of Commerce, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Energy Council.